Bi-amping B&W Nautilus 802's?

I am thinking of bi-amping my Nautilus 802's. I am currently driving them with a Krell 300i integrated, but this is not enough power and is a little sterile sounding as well. Any advice from those who have experience with bi-amping or with the B&W 802's?
I am beginning this process with Revel Salons and Bryston 7B-STs through Rane PE-17 EQs (same as JRAWWAS above). I would like recommendations for the high frequency amp (current thoughts: Bryston 4B-ST or Levinson 334). I am also interested in thoughts on cabling. Does the length of the interconnect and speaker cables need to be identical for both signal paths? Or is matching the total length of wire of both interconnect and speaker all that is required? Also, I have a choice of running interconnects from concurrent outputs (rca and xlr) from my Proceed PAV/DSD for the highs and lows or using a xlr y adapter. Which is generally preferable? Thanks.
Are you using only the passive crossover for the biamp and are you using a y adapter from L/R processor outputs to the amp inputs? There is so much ruckus on the forums about active crossovers and folks get really rude about it where I would prefer to hear from some with the experience of what they have done versus their opinion from an article.

I appreciate any and all kind responses.
Don't mean to crash the thread but I am very interested in bi amping .

My speakers are Tyler acoustic dx 1s . 90 db efficient .
Speakers have 4 8 inch bass drivers 2 7 inch midrange and a seas excel tweeter in each enclosure.
I am running them in a home theater and 2 channel set up .
Currently using a Cary v 12 r tube amp for mains .
50 watts triode and 100 watts ultra linear .

While I like the sound of the Cary it does not bring the bass alive .

Looking for suggestions for amps to try and very curious how to implement the Rane eq as mentioned .
I am also using an Integra dtc 9.8 pre pro .This does help with the bass by allowing me to run my subs with room correction .

My subs are 2 18.2 Chase home theater sealed subs with a Suntron MQ 600 amp .

I have read the Cary paper about using another v 12 r in a vertical bi amp configuration . I don't think I want to add more tubes with the cost associated and the heat with summer coming around the corner.

I would like some bass slam out of these speakers and of course get the best sound as possible .