NJ Audio Society?

I have written to the email addresses published each issue in Stereophile magazine, yet receive no response. Can someone tell me what's up with this organization?

Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
The February meeting of the New Jersey Audio Society will take place on Sunday, February 9th, at the home of member Brian Kheel in Highland Park. The meeting will feature his Rives' designed listening room, and guest speaker Tom Curnin of Bravo A/V, a Rives' representative. This meeting will include both digital and vinyl sources.

Guests are welcome to check us out. For more details and directions, please contact club president, Neal Patrone: neal.patrone@njaudiosociety.com
I've Got two other buddies that get together about once a month and are open to adding to that . Have a tight space for listening at home but was thinking of a conference room at a local hotel so we can bring gear to compare and discuss. Has anyone gone that route?
Hi, lm interested in joining NJAS. I'm in Woodbridge NJ.
juan genao, is my name, been an audiogon member since 2007.
juancgenao - 

Thank you for your interest in the New Jersey Audio Audio Society.  

Those considering joining the NJAS are welcome to attend any meeting to try us out.  If you choose to join, you can join either at that meeting or at the next one you attend.  Dues are $60 per year (payable by check or cash), and include admission to our monthly meetings, which include our summer BBQ and our annual Holiday party.

Our next meeting will take place on July 16th, at Charney Audio in Somerset, NJ.  Please click this link to request details: