Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
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When I tried ClearDay cables I couldn't believe how much better they were in my system after auditioning all top price cables from top manufacturers.   Try them with a money back guarantee......I'm not affiliated with ClearDay, just a satisfied user.
Try Signal Cable 'Silver Resolution'.  I am currently using this cable. Fabulous sounding cable and incredible value.  


I bought 9999 pure silver wire on Ebay. I use no connectors. This sounds far better than any high end speaker wires I have ever used,