Recommendation for Good Quality Desktop Speakers

I am looking for speaker recommendations for near field listening when i'm sitting at my desk. I have a 8 Watt tube headphone amp for power. I currently have NHT (H:12" by W: 71/4 by D: 9") speakers on either side of my 26" screen. I'd like to stay within the current speaker dimensions or smaller. I sit 30" from the screen. This setup is ideal for late night listening. I've considered Harbeth P3 ES2 or something at or under $1,500.00.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hi -- I am thrilled by the desktop speakers I have been using for about three years. They are Audience Clairaudient "The One" speakers, and are only about 7" high x 7" deep x 5.5" width. They are single drivers so throw a great soundstage at a short distance.

The are not incredibly efficient at 84 dB, but will be easily driven by your amp at late-night listening volumes.

Clairaudient also has upgraded versions with the V2 designation. And it makes the slightly larger 1+1 desktop speaker that is many an audiophile reviewers’ desktop/mini speaker reference. Both have won several awards. 

I find them truly small enough to be a desktop or bookshelf speaker with excellent dynamics and a non-fatiguing sound. Worth a no-risk audition.