Power Cord Recommendation

I'm looking for power cord recommendations in the $300 (1 meter) price range for a single ended 5 watt 2 channel power amp. Anybody have any experience with this? Currently using a Pangea AC9  & would like to upgrade.  
Noticed absolutely no difference in sound with Signal Cable vs stock power cord. Recommend Audio Art Cable 
For me best low cost power cord is an audience, they are generally between 2-3 hundred used.
Currently using a Pangea AC9?  .....   Not really a good match for the type of amp you have.The AC9 is designed for high current amps. Its brutal. 
You need something more nuanced with excellent smooth detailed sound. I would look at the Pangea AC-14SE MkII.  And, go for two meters even if you need a short cord. It could sound better.   I had an AC9. Got rid of it.  I believe your amp would sound better with the AC -14SE Mkll. The Cardas copper it uses can make your amp sound sweet and open. http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC14S2
I have had a bunch of modestly-priced PC over the years, including several from Pangea and Signal Cable in my fairly high-end system, and none of them made a wit's worth of improvement in the sound of my system.  However, recently I bought a Shunyata Venon 3 PC for $100 and a Silnote PC for $120 and both were a very worthy improvement in the sound of my system.  I also bought the Cerious Technologies Graphene Express PC for $350 and it is even better than the Shunyata and Silnote PC's.  I will say that with all three PC in mentioned that the improvement in sound was immediately apparent when they were swapped into my rig...  the improvement was clear as a bell from the get-go.  I scoffed at the notion of PC for years, but I am now a complete devotee.  All these PC can be auditioned with 30-day return policy.