Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please

Ok so I know there are already lots of threads on class D both negative and positive

As I have had a very positive result with replacing the ss amps in my ht rig with a single tiny Nuforce class D amp I was tempted to look into the same for my stereo rig.

This is a little more difficult as my present amp is a BAT VK600SE, 120LB of muscle and heat.

Now I am in love with my present sound but still am very curious if class D could do anything for me as it certainly did in the ht rig although those ss amps were not in the BAT league to start with.

So I would like to hear from people who have actually gone this route, replaced their expensive, heavy, power consuming amps with tiny little cold running boxes and what their results were.

Was it uplifting, about the same or make you wish you had never heard of class D!

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Just a quick update
I did find time on Monday to play around and moved the nuforce ht amp over to the stereo rig for some tests.
Now it may be a little unfair as this cost $1600 vs $8500 for the BAT but I was very dissapointed in the results. Very metallic and the bass was more of a thud than controlled. Volume and power certainly but finesse and tonality, no. Soundstage and imaging also suffered badly compared to to the BAT.
Next test was Tuesday when my new( well new to me) speakers arrived, a pair of Wilson Witt mk1.
These hooked up to the BAT were a revelation, such solid controlled bass and nice and low, I was hearing notes I had never heard before on familiar tracks. Soundstage, vocals and acoustic guitar were probably on a par with the Focals ( these punch well above their price point imho).
I have read elsewhere that Wilson and BAT make a very good marriage and this seems to be the case.
So pretty happy with the new speakers I hooked the nuforce back up
Oh dear....pretty awfull to tell the truth, I do think Wilson speakers  need very good electronics behind them to sound right and this appears to be the case.
Now what a pair of higher end monoblock class d might do is another matter but the music I have right now with the BAT/Wilson combo does not make me want to pursue the class  d route at this point.
Blow the heat and power consumption, I can live with that!

Dodged a bullet. So glad you kept the BAT before getting a Class-D.

The day will come though when that BAT will become a door stop, or boat anchor, and that will be when Class-D finally get a much higher switching frequency (the technology is on the door step) that will cure the problems you heard.
If you get a chance you will hear Class-D almost perfect if you get a chance listen to that very rare phoenix, the Techincs SER-1, as it already has double the speed of the switching frequency that everyone is using now, but it’s $35k!!. if your a King or President, you can get one.

Cheers George
Thanks George
It was an avenue I was interested in exploring simply because of the good results I had with the ht rig.
However in retrospect majority of the listening is dialogue and special effects...loud ones!
Not too much finesse needed there, just good muscle which class d certainly has in spades.
Just as another test I actually played some cds through the ht rig and although it sounded ok it is in a much lower league than my stereo rig. But it is oriented towards movies really with a large Martin Logan center and big psb sub for "effects" .
Reasonably priced, I purchased a NewClear NC1000L, class D amplifier.  I've used many different amps in the past..  What I get with my 4ohm Legacy Focus SE speakers, driven by the NC1000L, class D, is very good.  Clean, detailed, with a very good sound stage.  1000 watts into 4 ohms, built in the US.  I have no affiliation with this company, just a satisfied user.  Not expensive, and good. Check the NewClear out.
I had an all BAT outfit a while back. VK5 + VK500 w/BAT PK.

thankfully, it was in my office and not in my listening room. yep. the big BAT amp gets hot. very.

A lot of amps do however. Class D has made some immense strides and is a prospect for me with my next system build. I was disappointed to see Bel Canto quit making their top tier 500 wpc amps though.

Glass and Class A will always be heat sources. Period.

for my money, it is worth thinking abuot putting the power side of things, if not all of it, into a separate enclosure, or room and supplying it with cool AC.

whichever way, keep mindful of matching the impeadances between pre & amps, and in the wiring too.
be well, J