Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
My stereo system is Oppo-105D/Emotiva XPA-2/B&W 803s.  I could spend 1000% more and MAYBE achieve a subjective 5% improvement in overall SQ

That pretty much says it all. No bias there what so ever. Congratulations on reaching the top of the mountain. I used to think you had no credibility, now I am sure of it. Nothing wrong with those components per se, but to believe it cannot be improved upon by more than 5 percent by wisely spending a thousand percent more.....what a hoot. IMO they could be bested by spending the same amount, YMMV.

 My opinions are not biased because I have researched the science and believe it.

I hate to break it to you, but your statement is biased. It makes the assumption that science knows all there is to know about the human hearing mechanism. It also assumes that the only measurements that matter are the ones that we have the capability to make now. History is full of examples where this kind of thinking is proven absolutely wrong. The person that thinks they, or science, know everything there is to know about any subject is a fool. 

Csmgolf says: "I used to think you had no credibility, now I am sure of it."

Do you really know me well enough to post this personally offensive comment?Please try to stay on topic and not resort to personal comments when unable to usefully discuss the subject matter.  I know this might be difficult but that is what this forum is for.
@csmgolf ,
I think you should ignore what dynaquest4 posts. No point taking it further. His system is the best and he "knows" that there cannot be anything better. How does he know that, you say? Well he knows it all, don't argue. We all are biased, he is the sole authority :-))))))))))))))
Post removed 
Do you know other members well enough to call them foolish, delusional, ignorant and all of the other things that you repeatedly call people? Have you personally experienced what they have with their systems in their rooms? When does the shoe you prescribe for others fit on your foot? It doesn't matter if it is directed at one person, or is a general comment thrown out at everyone. Me thinks that you need to develop thicker skin if you are going to go on insulting others. Personally, I take no offense to what you said for the reason you objected to in my last post. I could see where someone as sensitive as you could be offended by your postings. Look in the mirror.

To the OP, if 6 feet is long enough, there is a pair of Audioquest Oak in your price range that would work well. The Silnote cables are nice, but resale is not good if you decide to move on. Another really good cable is the Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme and are highly recommended. Good luck.