Bookshelf Speakers - $500-$900 range

Just looking for something that can provide a little more clarity and soundstage than my current setup in a medium sized room (!3x17) with high ceiling.. Music preference is rock, hard rock, acoustic music, and female vocals. Will probably be used with a NAD or Rogue integrated. Have the following on my list (new or used as long its within $500-$900 range):

Monitor Audio GX 50
Totem Rainmaker
Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1
Kef LS50
Sonus Faber Venere 1.5
Focal Aria 905

I know the recommendation will be to listen and compare them but I'm trying to dwindle the list down. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
I would also consider the PSB Imagine Bs. I use a pair with my old NAD T747, Raspberry Pi streamer, and Cambridge Audio CXU universal player and they sound great.
You might want to add the Martin Logan Motion 35xl. An underrated speaker I believe. If you can find any Gallo Classico CL2 I don’t believe you can do any better in this price range. Another overlooked gem. Compared them side by side with the LS50’s and I preferred the Gallo for their better, wider and more holographic imaging, more neutral/detailed presentation and more energetic sound. Also had cleaner, more solid bass than the KEFs.
I totally agree with clarinetmonster2, the Gallo CL-2's are pretty amazing, as I had them for about 4 months (prob weren't even broken in) and just sold them thinking I was upgrading with a pair of Sjöfn the clue.  I should have kept them a little longer, as I am still in the adjustment phase for the clue's but are they sounding pretty nice now.  Waiting for my 20" stands to come in (have 24") and that should be the final adjustment.  Just in case,  I have ordered two pair of the ProAc Tablet 10's.  I will be set then...Keeping one, selling the other, couldn't decide on the finish so...
Good luck, in your journey nhskier...If you search the Gallos, you might still find a pair, you would not be disappointed...

You can't go wrong with ELAC Uni-Fi BS-5 designed by Andrew Jones for $499!!!  Andrew Jones has designed these to sound as good or better than bookshelf speakers costing 3 times as much.  In my opinion, no other speakers come close in this price range.  If you want a real bargain, get the ELAC Debut B-6 for $279 a pair!  You simply must read the ELAC reviews or audition them (if possible) before you buy ANYTHING else!