Magico vs Kef vs B&W vs. VSA

    I am in the hunt for  floorstanders in the range of $30,000 or less. My candidates are the following in order of preference:

1. Von Schweikert Audio Vr 44 mk2 Aktiv ( used )
2. Kef Blade
3. Magico S3 or S3 mk2
4. B&W 800 d3

    I have not heard all of them ( and the ones I have where at the shows ) but they are the only ones in this price range I can do a home audition. I would have placed the Magico's at a higher rank but I'm afraid my Audio Research Ref 75 SE may not be able to make them sing ( the wife will no longer agree to a change in amplifier ) . Also, if I go the S3 mk2 route I will not be able to audition them since they are on order basis only at my dealer. Hence, my top choice would be the VSA VR 44 Aktiv's  which on the other hand  do not have  too many reviews.

  My current speaker's are Harbeth SHL5+, however in my heavily dampened 35 sq. meter room ( originally for HT use and acoustically treated for that ) they do not have enough bass and cannot seem to fill the room with sound. Though I will be auditioning the speakers in my place as I have made the mistake of purchasing equipment based on the demos at the dealer's, I just want the opinions of those who own or have heard them for prolonged periods of time. Please do not suggest any other speaker cause as I have stated above these are the only ones that will allow a home audition.

  My listening preferences are mostly vocal jazz, some 80's rock and New Wave music. The rest of the system is composed of 

ARC LS 28 Pre-amp
ARC Ref 75 Se
Esoteric K07 SACD/CD player
VPI Prime with Benz Micro LPS-MR
Simaudio 610 lp phono stage
IC's and speaker cables -  full loom MIT
PC's all Shunyata 

 Replies appreciated. Thanx.


Sound by Singer is selling his personal pair of Peak Consult speakers. Price is $29,000. Peak consult has always impressed at shows where I’ve heard them. If you are close to New York, might be worth an audition.
Never was impressed by those Dweller, they are basically nicer versions of Sonus Faber or you could say Veritys because of the use of the same drivers way, way overpriced even at half. 

The op said:
"Please do not suggest any other speaker..."
 You not only ignore the op's request, but then to add insult to injury, you criticize Dweller's choice of another speaker which IMHO is a better speaker in almost all respects, especially overall musicality, than the Paradigms which are also very fine speakers along with at least a dozen others that the op specifically requested not be mentioned. PLEASE STOP SELLING! 
To answer the op's question, I think the op should listen carefully to the Magicos and the Kefs in his system as they are both great speakers with completely different characters. All things being equal, I might lean towards the Kefs for 80s rock and new wave, especially due to their sensitivity.
I heard the Magico S3 MKII | Magico S5 MKII | Parasounda Person 5F | KEF Blade 2 all on the same day at the LA Audio Show a few days ago.

I was shocked at how much I liked the Magico S3 MKII. I spent a lot of time with them. So much so that I searched out the S5 MKII at the show. I did not like the S5 MKII as much but that could have been attributed to the VAC electronics | room | or music being played through them. The S5 MKII is likely the better choice for a bigger room. I was never a huge Magico fan in the past even after hearing their more expensive speakers with excellent electronics.

I spent about an hour with the Parasound  Persona 5F, mainly by myself. I wanted to get the general idea of the Persona sound since I was interested in the Persona 9H. I did like the sound but I was not enthralled as with the Magicos. Now these 5F Persona's were in a terrible room with electronics I would not have considered. They did have a wide soundstage and disappeared pretty well. The 9H in a better room with good electronics would likely have driven more interest in me.

My favorite speaker at the show was the KEF Blade 2 driven by Hegel electronics. I was lucky again to be able to listen for about a 1.5 hours mostly by myself again (Friday is a good day to go). A few years earlier, I had heard the Blade 1 with the much more expensive top end Chord gear and they sounded better than the Hegel gear. However, even with the Hegel gear the Blade was still my favorite. The soundstage was massive, the speakers totally disappear, with layers of music. The Blades also look awesome to me and the enjoyment factor was through the roof (this last point is the one that matters most). Do not get me wrong the Hegel gear was also very good. I am considering buying the Hegel ROST amp for the bedroom to drive KEF LS50's.

I was also lucky to be able to hear the Luxman C900u preamp and a Luxman 1000f monoblock amp driving the $93K Vivid Spirit speaker. Lucky, because I was considering matching the KEF Blade 2 with the Luxman C900u and M900u (amp). These 2 pieces are $15 MSRP, the 1000f was $60K. After this listen I am confident that the Luxman C900u and the M900u will be a great match for the Blades.

Not sure if this helps but I would be happy with the Magico or Blade 2 for long term