Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs

Looking for an SS Integrated amplifier with the NAD's or Simaudio's deep bass but with the extended highs
for the PSB Synchrony speakers. I listened PSB with the Accuphase E-470 (which I shouldn't) and since then I can't find the right amplifier. I tried Belles Aria but I didn't like the bass.

Wyred 4 Sound STI-500, or STI-1000. Hegel Rost, H80, H160, or H360. All very compelling solutions depending on budget 2-6k. 
@greginnh - I think he did like the Accuphase, but maybe not the $6000 price. I'm guessing he's searching for the sound he heard with the Accuphase, but at a lower cost. Correct djengan?
T+A Elektroakustic  PA2000R  or  PA2500R  or PA3000HV  or  PA3100HV..... May not be in your price range,  but even the lowest in model here has been compared to Pass Integrateds or the Hegel H360
Absolutely correct! Similar sound, if possible. 
I liked everything with the Accuphase. Nice deep bass, midrange and extended highs. I wish that is the price $6.000.00, I would find the way to buy it  But the price for E-470 is $12.000.00