Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs

Looking for an SS Integrated amplifier with the NAD's or Simaudio's deep bass but with the extended highs
for the PSB Synchrony speakers. I listened PSB with the Accuphase E-470 (which I shouldn't) and since then I can't find the right amplifier. I tried Belles Aria but I didn't like the bass.


Luxman stuff is very similar sounding to Accuphase and less money.

 to be honest they are much closer priced in Japan seems Accuphase hoses markets out side of their home country.

@djengen: Great options recommended by all of the previous posters in your thread.

Is your budget 6K?

I agree with glennewdick - Luxman is more affordable than Accuphase and actually may be even more affordable with their new US distribution. I have not seen the new price list but I am certain you can get a new Luxman integrated for $6,000 or less. I have owned both brands and Accuphase is better sounding. If you are smitten by the characteristics of the E-470, you might be a bit disappointed with the Luxman integrated sound (a bit more polite that Accuphase). Music Direct sells Luxman and they offer a 60 day money back guarantee. It might be one way to go!
That's exactly the problem. As I mentioned in posting, I shouldn't try Accuphase. I did try Luxman 505ux.. Believe or not, NAD C275 with the Rogue Audio Perseus pre amplifier sounded better then Luxman but with lack of the highs compared to Accuphase.
How about Simaudio 600i and PSB Synchrony.