Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs

Looking for an SS Integrated amplifier with the NAD's or Simaudio's deep bass but with the extended highs
for the PSB Synchrony speakers. I listened PSB with the Accuphase E-470 (which I shouldn't) and since then I can't find the right amplifier. I tried Belles Aria but I didn't like the bass.

try this one if you can find it in your country: Analog Domain Isis M75
The Parasound Halo has good bass, (I own one) however the Yamaha integrateds, like the A-S1100 are capable of silly good bass extension.They have a leaner tonal balance, but their bass capabilities make me laugh out loud. 
" the Yamaha integrateds, like the A-S1100 are capable of silly good bass extension.They have a leaner tonal balance, but their bass capabilities make me laugh out loud."


I have the A-S1000 and it sure is not lacking bass drive.  That A-S1100 is next on my radar.

Primare I32 has more than ample bass and amazing, sparkling highs with no underemphasis of mids/vocals. I think the list is about $3,000. A new I35 is coming out very soon. I was really impressed with the Aria until I heard the Primare.

Dealer locator:

I like the Bryston integrated amps. Plenty of clean power and solid bass and they come with the optional DAC or phono and a standard 20 year warranty.