Magico vs Kef vs B&W vs. VSA

    I am in the hunt for  floorstanders in the range of $30,000 or less. My candidates are the following in order of preference:

1. Von Schweikert Audio Vr 44 mk2 Aktiv ( used )
2. Kef Blade
3. Magico S3 or S3 mk2
4. B&W 800 d3

    I have not heard all of them ( and the ones I have where at the shows ) but they are the only ones in this price range I can do a home audition. I would have placed the Magico's at a higher rank but I'm afraid my Audio Research Ref 75 SE may not be able to make them sing ( the wife will no longer agree to a change in amplifier ) . Also, if I go the S3 mk2 route I will not be able to audition them since they are on order basis only at my dealer. Hence, my top choice would be the VSA VR 44 Aktiv's  which on the other hand  do not have  too many reviews.

  My current speaker's are Harbeth SHL5+, however in my heavily dampened 35 sq. meter room ( originally for HT use and acoustically treated for that ) they do not have enough bass and cannot seem to fill the room with sound. Though I will be auditioning the speakers in my place as I have made the mistake of purchasing equipment based on the demos at the dealer's, I just want the opinions of those who own or have heard them for prolonged periods of time. Please do not suggest any other speaker cause as I have stated above these are the only ones that will allow a home audition.

  My listening preferences are mostly vocal jazz, some 80's rock and New Wave music. The rest of the system is composed of 

ARC LS 28 Pre-amp
ARC Ref 75 Se
Esoteric K07 SACD/CD player
VPI Prime with Benz Micro LPS-MR
Simaudio 610 lp phono stage
IC's and speaker cables -  full loom MIT
PC's all Shunyata 

 Replies appreciated. Thanx.


Here's my take.  I would go with the Magico as first choice then the  B&W 800 D3.  However, if you want to save some money and bass is not super important to you, and if you have a normal size room, I have never heard a more beautiful sounding cone speaker than the Harbeth 40.2      Best of luck to you.

I owned Harbeth SHL5+ and they are fine speakers. I have now Magico S1Mk2
and I love them.  They are a faster speaker than the Harbeth and a bit better rounded. They should be at more than twice the price. My listening room is a small 11x14 foot room. Tweeks like speaker cables further refine the sound to your liking.
Thanx for all the additional inputs. I currently have the VSA's VR 44's in my room. i don't think they'll be leaving .....period.
I think B&W's make most music listenable!Even bad recordings are tolerable to me.Unlike my Thiels that suck on bad recordings!