FM alive and well here...curious question

SoCal listener here. 

Last night, the Classical station finished their listeners  top 100 with Ludwig B's 9th.
I got sucked in listening to the end of the 4th movement.  I can't remember what conductor/orchestra, but fantastic performance.

My Mac 71 with a $20 indoor antennae is able to get a  signal strength reading just over "8" with dead center tuning according the meter.

Ludwig B was sounding clear,quite and simply fabulous. 
Im aware a "real" roof antennae is the way to go. Wondering if the effort to get a "10" reading on the tuning meter will actually be heard as even better sonics?

Just for kicks, I spun a few minutes of a minty 59' Living Stereo to compare. 
WOW! The record naturally wins, but my beloved Mac isn't far off. Considering the broadcast was a CD, it was reasonably convincing. It certainly was just as good as my generic CD deck(no fancy outboard DAC)

My 71 is stock, tuned with NOS glass. I'd love to hand over $ 1K for the RM mod, but ain't gonna happen.

LONG LIVE FM! Hopefully?

I use my tuner on occasion and actually have the antenna in the attic- I have not gotten around to running the cable but it's something I had planned to do.  Basically one good FM station in the Chicago area that I like.  
But I recently purchased the Sony HAP Z1ES digital player and it came bundled with tune-in radio.  It sounds better than any tuner I have ever heard and opens up access to a tremendous amount of world wide broadcast and online stations.  
Running the cable to my attic just went from a "maybe someday" to "probably never".  
I never would have sold my old Yamaha T-1 Tuner if there were any good FM stations in my area. Nothing but commercials, DJ's talking over songs, and the same songs played over and over. Soundds like AM to me. I would rather play a record or a cd. Radio too annoying and irritating.

I think it is also is dependent on genre station listened to. If it's rock and pop, yes. On the PBS stations, not nearly as much, but the on air guys are flapping their gums way more than in the past. Some of the reason may now be listeners/corporations just have to cough up more dough to just stay viable.

Our fearless leader cut even more money from public broadcasting, which has been going on for awhile, now.

I gave up on R&R radio in the 80's.