Which server / renderer to buy?

I listen mostly to rock and jazz using a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with KT120 power tubes.  I listen to both vinyl and digital.  My digital streams my music library or Tidal via ethernet CAT6a from my iMac to a W4S modified SONOS Connect thru a Schiit Audio Gungnir Multi-bit ("Gumby") DAC.  My speakers are Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S with a Paradigm sub.  My room is 17' x 24', but I listen close up - 10' from the speakers / speakers 3' from the wall.  I'm considering an upgrade of the SONOS because I would like to stream hi-res and have greater capacity (my library is larger than the SONOS metadata capacity).  I'm thinking about the Aurender N100H.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
@pg62 - what level of hi-res are you thinking of? > 24/192

I use a Blusound Node-2 and it goes up to 24/192.

I found it sounded much better than my Bifrost/V-link192 combo

I like everything about the Node-2 - won't be leaving my system anytime soon. It responds very well to great cables (PC and IC's)

Aurender N100H - that seems like a lot of money for what it does.  And you are still stuck with USB output to a dac, correct?  For a tiny fraction of what the N100H, you could just connect a NAS or HDD to a Rpi and use a I2s to spdif hat or an I2s dac.  Most likely, better sound quality as you avoid USB output, works with 32/384 files and you can stream to any other device on the network.  This is exactly what Bryston is doing with their Pi player but charging over a grand. 
I liked the Auralic Aries better than the aurender's and purchased it. I had it hooked up to my external w4s dac 2 dsd. Much better than the Mac mini server with audirvana 2. I have since sold the Auralic Aries and purchased the ps audio directstream with bridge ii. This eliminates the use of a USB from music server to dac
I use USB from my Antipodes DS GT to my Rowland Aeris DAC. I prefer it over my previous Bryston BDP2 and Aeris DAC connected via AES. Antipodes prefers a USG connection, so in my case I don't understand the issue with USB from music server to DAC?