ascend sierra tower with raal or Focal Aria 936

I am trying to decide if I should buy either speakers. If someone has demoed both or purchased them can advise which one is better or should I be looking at some other speakers in $4000 range? I want a speaker which does not become fatiguing after a while. I have Parasound A21, Aesthetix Rhea, Audible Illusions L2B and cables are Nordost Tyr and nordost heimdall as speaker cables. I listen to Vinyl almost all the time. Thanks Guys.
IMO, if you want speakers that are non-fatiguing for long sessions, the best you can do for $4k is move to the BBC inspired brands from Harbeth, Spendor, Stirling, ProAc etc. I have yet to come across any floor standing models that aren't fatiguing after a couple hours. Sometimes the Brit speakers need a sub, depending on the room, but they're well worth the hassle.

I haven't heard the Sierra towers, but someone on A/V Forums did an extensive comparison between the Aria 936 and the Sierra towers and preferred the Sierras by a slim margin. However, I think he was using the conventional tweeter Sierras. 

Hopefully you'll keep us updated with your experience. 
nquery, interesting comparison with Monitor Audio.  When my dealer dropped the Paradigm line back around 2005, they went with Monitor Audio.

I've never thought that any speaker brand is a one size fit all proposition.  And of course, many differing tastes and preferences.  Some want a speaker to add plenty of bass and or have a hot top end.  A pair of Tannoys I have push the mid frequencies, and they are nice for some music.  But if one wants true accuracy, detail and resolution without coloring the sound, many brands need not apply.

The trick is finding speakers that inspire you, and then getting electronics that compliment them.  For accuracy and an ability to recreate the most difficult instruments without getting harsh sounding, Ascend with the Raal tweeter is one option.  The fact that they operate outside of the retail system seems to trouble some greatly.
I live to do new and different things. Only a fool who's never met me would make a statement like you did. I don't, however, go around kicking in people's front doors to try their food and listen to their obscure speakers. When I come across things I give them a fair shake. I sure wasn't looking for Focals the first time I heard them. I'd never even heard of them back then.  
Am I seriously supposed to wring my hands, pee my pants, and chew my nails to the quick because I didn't listen to every $4000 on the planet and one might be better than mine? I don't have time for that jazz. 
Pee your pants?  Whatever bcgator said, you are over reacting I think.  Cougar4u started this thread, and probably regrets it!
Eh... My point is that we're talking about some obscure internet speaker compared to one that anyone who knows audio has probably heard of, if not actually seen, listened to, and read professional reviews on. I came across some weird speaker with fancy stone cabinets a year and a half ago. Same kinds of "this is the crowning achievement of humanity" hype Ascend's page was littered with. Did anyone actually go look at their page? Whoever authored that travesty of advertising should be fired. It's like the guy couldn't help but gloat about the speakers paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph! It's called overselling and it's a bad thing. Anyone ever heard of Digital Phase speakers? I doubt it. They sound pretty good, but you'll need to kidnap a dude named Daryl in Tennessee to get a pair. The reason I heard them at all was because the guy had the common sense to open a small storefront and get those things out in the world as much as he could.