Which server / renderer to buy?

I listen mostly to rock and jazz using a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with KT120 power tubes.  I listen to both vinyl and digital.  My digital streams my music library or Tidal via ethernet CAT6a from my iMac to a W4S modified SONOS Connect thru a Schiit Audio Gungnir Multi-bit ("Gumby") DAC.  My speakers are Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S with a Paradigm sub.  My room is 17' x 24', but I listen close up - 10' from the speakers / speakers 3' from the wall.  I'm considering an upgrade of the SONOS because I would like to stream hi-res and have greater capacity (my library is larger than the SONOS metadata capacity).  I'm thinking about the Aurender N100H.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
To try to simply all of your options, you need to determine your budget. My other advice is to look at components through the lens of preference, as opposed to better. Many components are system/room dependent and the user’s ear. My favorite saying is, "there are no absolutes in audio, only preferences." I had a Directstream DAC and prefered the Bricasti M1 DAC. I moved from the M1 DAC to the Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC. Is one "better" than the other? No, I had a preference for the Aeris, that may be due to the synergy with the other Jeff Rowland Components I have.
The great thing about the Antipodes is I can rip CDs by just inserting them and Tidal sounds really good. I have 2TBs of hard drive space and manage my music with my IPad and Roon. The bad news is my initial thoughts were Roon wasn’t intuitive. After a small learning curve I submit my Antipodes DS GT/Roon combination is user friendly and sounds great. I hope this helps!
I would agree with those who suggest a configuration by passing the USB port.  I use Sonore Rendu linked from a CAPS computer with an ethernet CAT 6 crossover cable.

"You agree with those who suggest a configuration by passing the USB port." Have you directly compared a music server that's designed to utilize the USB port to one that used a different output? If not, what do you base your opinion on?

Look into the Innuos products. Very complete package, comes with storage, rips CDs, and their entry-level starts at $1299. 


I have been using Auralic Aries..I think for that amount of money, they're a killer. If you have bigger budget, go for Auralic Aries G2 instead.