Avalon Time vs ProAc D100 , Dear Audiogoners please give me some advise.

I am currently using ProAc D100 and in thinking of going to Avalon Time, anyone have any suggestions ?
I really like the ProAc D100 and I am afraid I might not like the Avalon, the Avalon does look great and sounds like it has more sound density. My front end consists of Dartzeel Pre v2 and Power, also have the Gryphon Antileon Mono blocks, EMM lab XDS1 v2. Mostly source come from Aurender N10. 

Please tell help me choose , thanks in advance.
I have never heard the Proac's. My Indra's are being driven by Rowland gear. If you value coherence, imaging and holographic sound staging; you can't go wrong. 
Gocubs999 , I totally agree, that is what everyone is saying .. thanks for the comments
hugos7, your welcome.

I faild to mention that I haven't any experience with the ProAc's. I'm an upright Bass player. I drive the Eidolons with KT88 based tube amplifiers. I augment the extra low frequencies with a pair of powered subwoofers with the digital front end but seem less needed during LP playback.