Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I am very happy with Martin Logan. I use Krell Mono's as amplifiers and am very happy with them. One thing to remember though. Room placement is critical. Once you have it rite. Look Out. Your Hooked.
I have had my paradigm active 40 front and back and active adp450s sides active 450 center and servo 15 for 5yrs and hope they last 5 more I still love them.

ACI Sapphire III- the first speaker to if you will pardon the pun to "speak to me". Had them almost 4 years and despite numerous system changes, gear changes, second and third systems set ups they always found a place. They brought music to a threshold of involvement I had never experienced. I wanted to try other things so sold them after much thought. I missed them despite all the great stuff that passed though the listening room, a year later I bought another pair. I think these will always stay with me in one system or another.
Great thread.
I've had my B&W 801 IIIs for about 10 years now and I can't
really justify upgrading them. They simply always sound
right, no matter what I play. And I play everything from
classical to jazz to Grateful Dead. They reveal all the upstream equipment and the music as accurate as I can imagine.

I've gone through many amps, preamps, CD players, but I'm hanging on to the 801s!
