Looking to upgrade amp, need help.

I am currently looking to upgrade my amplifier. My current system is:
Focal 836v's
NAD C375Bee
NAD C546 cd player
Project debut carbon with Ortofon 2m bronze

I listen to both vinyl and CD's. Mostly classic rock but also a wide variety of music at times.  

My budget is $1500-$2000, probably purchase used to get more bang for my buck. I don't have a preference between SS or tubes, but don't have experience with tubes (but think they would be a good match for the Focals).

Any input is greatly appreciated!!


Balanced Audio Technology VK-300SE Integrated. These typically sell in the $1500-$2000 range. I've been using this model for 15 years and I highly recommend it. These have been around a while so check the serial number with BAT for a recent issue (my latest one is about six years old). Very musical, powerful, versatile, and has a sound that is both stable and "right". For best results, you must buy the "DR" 6H30 driver tubes ($600/pr) but this can be a future upgrade.

Good luck in your search!

I recently sent my Anthem I225 to Parts Connexion. I had Chris install (2) Mundorf 82131 AG 15,000uF- 100v Capacitors and a 110k Blue Velvet Potentiometer. I still have the original Nichicon Caps in storage. I believe the new changes have given the amp a little more refined sound. The volume pot has been tamed as well. 


So, like several Focal speakers, the 836 V excel in having a low impedance around the worst locations in the bass (100Hz). It is practically their trademark. See here:


This actually IS a speaker that could benefit from bi-amping, but with no terminals for it, you are stuck.  What these speakers need is unusually beefy amps. Not high in power, but with excellent low-impedance drive.

I would suggest among the best values are the Parasound A23/A21 amps in the linear area, and Hypex or nuForce amps in the Class D range. Look for amps that can drive 2 Ohms.


For CLASSIC ROCK i wouldn't recommend spending good money for a better amp.  The reason is simple- more revealing equipment is not a great choice for most of what's out there. But for acoustic instruments (folk/jazz/classical/female singers) perhaps you would benefit- but then you would need a better CD player.  I am not sure about your turntable.
Ex:  i put on CSN&Y Deja Vue on the other day and the mixing errors,
timing errors, etc. almost ruined the usual pleasure i get out of listening
to this album.  Sounds much better on a mid-fi setup IMHO.
Of course there are exceptions- like Pink Floyd, or remastered Rolling
Stones, Santana, etc.  

I have heard and much admired those speakers. They are fairly balanced and on the warmer side. I don't think they need tubes in the mix unless u like to roll.

I have the older amp version of your INT - 372Bee for the last many years. It is a keeper. I recently swapped it out for a well received 500wpc ICE amp($2K). Could not hear a difference/upgrade! I paid 350 for the NAD 6 yrs ago for a used unit.

What are you looking to do with this change?

I like Brystons personally with any speaker - lots of good deals on SST2s with the cubed out. That said there are many good choices.

Good luck!