Looking to upgrade amp, need help.

I am currently looking to upgrade my amplifier. My current system is:
Focal 836v's
NAD C375Bee
NAD C546 cd player
Project debut carbon with Ortofon 2m bronze

I listen to both vinyl and CD's. Mostly classic rock but also a wide variety of music at times.  

My budget is $1500-$2000, probably purchase used to get more bang for my buck. I don't have a preference between SS or tubes, but don't have experience with tubes (but think they would be a good match for the Focals).

Any input is greatly appreciated!!



I have heard and much admired those speakers. They are fairly balanced and on the warmer side. I don't think they need tubes in the mix unless u like to roll.

I have the older amp version of your INT - 372Bee for the last many years. It is a keeper. I recently swapped it out for a well received 500wpc ICE amp($2K). Could not hear a difference/upgrade! I paid 350 for the NAD 6 yrs ago for a used unit.

What are you looking to do with this change?

I like Brystons personally with any speaker - lots of good deals on SST2s with the cubed out. That said there are many good choices.

Good luck!

+1 for the Esoteric integrated.  Its a great deal.  You could also look at a Parasound Halo Integrated.  You should be able to pick up a used one for 1700-1800.00 or a new one for around 2200-2300.00.  I went from a Rogue Cronus Magnum 100wpc tube amp to the Parasound Halo and in my room the Parasound sounds much better.


I listen to 95% rock and out of that 70% is Classic Rock. It all sounds fantastic on my system which certainly isn’t mid fi. Funny you mention CSN&Y, as I listened to Deja Vu on my VPI Prime Saturday afternoon with a ZU/Denon DL103 cartridge played through a Rogue RP-5 tube preamp, an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp to my GE Triton 1 speakers. The sound was quite breathtaking and I heard no timing errors, just pure blissful music. So, in regards to what you posted, I am not buying it.

@nocrapman  This change is mostly geared towards the fact that I think I can get more from the Focals than the NAD gives, and fortunately I have some money to play with ☺️  When I auditioned the Focals, the amp they had hooked up was a Krell S-300i, and it sounded fantastic.  

Already so many good posts on this thread and a lot of great looking amps mentioned!

Also, I am not concerned about the phone stage on the amp because I am using the Pro-Ject Tube Box S phono preamp (forgot to post that in the beginning)

I am torn between tubes or SS.  Before I posted this thread I was already looking at:
Krell S300i
Rega Elicit-R
Rogue Cronus Magnum II
Audio Research VSI60 that's on AudiogoN right now for ~2k

Now I also like what I read about Jolida, BAT, Parasound, PrimaLuna.

Decisions decisions!
I have an Audio Refinement (YBA) component stack for sale that would work great with your speakers and budget:

AR Complete tuner
AR Complete CD player
AR Complete integrated

The AR integrated beat out a Rogue Cronus Magnum side by side for warmth and musicality in my system tests.  Plus, very very good reviews.  You could have all 3 of the above with remote for $1000 plus shipping...