Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
jerry--those aliens who are avoiding us have the higher switching frequencies that George wants and some folks need.

it’s been awhile since I knowingly gave any class D amp a good listen, maybe a decade. so, some folks absolutely love these things. others can hear the flaws.

my impression from a decade or so ago was that I hated them (at least the few I heard), but really couldn’t put a finger on why--lots or power, ridiculous detail, etc. just something missing, and, inexplicably, my ears felt funny afterwards--almost like a ringing that shouldn’t have been triggered by the volume or duration. difficult to explain. 

i'm sure they've come a long way in a decade, my recollection certainly could be flawed, and I like tubes. 

is it possible that this split between the lovers/haters could be caused by something like how some folks could watch DLP TVs and others couldn’t. something that some folks are wired to pick up on and that some others aren’t? (I couldn’t watch DLP).

Post removed 
it’s been awhile since I knowingly gave any class D amp a good listen, maybe a decade. so, some folks absolutely love these things. others can hear the flaws.
my impression from a decade or so ago was that I hated them (at least the few I heard), but really couldn’t put a finger on why--lots or power, ridiculous detail, etc. just something missing, and, inexplicably, my ears felt funny afterwards--almost like a ringing that shouldn’t have been triggered by the volume or duration. difficult to explain.
+1 stfoth, others hear it too, and if they can’t good for them. This is why there are for and against post, from both sides of the camp, so potential purchasers can make up their own minds, and be happy with it or disappointed.
These forums are not a marketing exercises to create a push to sell more Class-D.    
As the opening post says " Please share your experiences with class D amps!"

Cheers George
I'm not trying to bash class-D.  Hell, maybe my ears are flawed, or the associated equipment or rooms were the culprits.  Small sample size.  Pretty sure the most listening was when I was with a two friends at different times who were shopping and were being pitched some class-D amps.  One went with some Marantz and B&W and the other went with Rotel and Martin Logan.

For my, the class-D amps left a bad taste in my ears.  Maybe the tech was primitive a decade ago.
Stop listening with your eyes (reading specs) and start listening with your ears. That is the only proof needed. And stop with the ten-year old stories. Get in the now.