Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??

My question: do monoblock amps, that is, one amp per speaker, provide better sound than one box stereo amp?? I have read that a pair of mono amps provide the best stereo separation, imaging, soundstage depth.... Besides, taking up more floor space or rack space, and the necessity running a longer interconnect if each amp is behind the speaker, is it really worth it?? Thank you Jim
Once you go mono blocs you will never go back. Best there is across the board compared to stereo amps. Stereo owners won't want to believe it but there's no comparison. Go mono.

Hi  lissnr  I agree with you 100% I bought  a set of monoblocks from Merrill audio

I got the Veritas they outperform all the major brands that I use to have, from the earlier version of Nelson pass the Treshold  to the present Simaudio Moon.


The big question boils down to power supplies. Unless they're using some crazy-expensive active parts in the amp, which may well be the case but in some tube amps, the power supply is the most expensive part of the amp aside from the case. A fully dual power supply in a stereo amp will get you most of the benefits of mono-blocks. On the other hand, you can over build and filter a power supply enough to minimize cross-channel interactions as well. That's the route I'm taking with the one I'm building. I think there's also something positive to be said for two channels in the same box experiencing the same environmental variables together. 
Personally I prefer Mono-block setups and feel they usually (Not ALWAYS) perform better.
atmasphere summed it up well - the problem is the cost

maybe quality Class-D will solve that problem

I am waiting on amp upgrades to see what Mytek does

the ultimate would be a separate amp for each driver, optimized to what that driver needs - again... cost