Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??

My question: do monoblock amps, that is, one amp per speaker, provide better sound than one box stereo amp?? I have read that a pair of mono amps provide the best stereo separation, imaging, soundstage depth.... Besides, taking up more floor space or rack space, and the necessity running a longer interconnect if each amp is behind the speaker, is it really worth it?? Thank you Jim
Personally I prefer Mono-block setups and feel they usually (Not ALWAYS) perform better.
atmasphere summed it up well - the problem is the cost

maybe quality Class-D will solve that problem

I am waiting on amp upgrades to see what Mytek does

the ultimate would be a separate amp for each driver, optimized to what that driver needs - again... cost
Short answer, no - it depends on the amp.
I have Clayton Class A monos and a McCormack DNA-2 LAE that was upgraded to the fullest extent possible by Steve McCormack in 2014.  Both do 300/600 wpc into 8/4 ohms, and both sound very good, but a little different, and the power supplies are not the main reason for the differences, IMO.  Both sound better to me than the Ncore NC1200 monos I owned and compared directly against.
Choose your amp based on what sounds good to you, with your speakers, and consider the ergonomics, but maybe not as importantly as how the amps sound.  Only you can make those choices but I would not rule out either mono, or stereo, amps.
If all else were equal, which it never is, I would opt for monos for the reasons stated previously in his thread, but they would have to be very good monos to beat my McCormack, or a CJ 350, or any number of really good stereo amps out there, and the sound would have to suit my tastes and my speakers.

I actually preferred the Sanders Magtech stereo to the Merrill Veritas monos.
A better question to ask is for a given manufacturer, is a pair of their monoblocks better than their equivalent stereo amp. The answer would be yes but at usually much higher cost.