Tekton Impact

The Tekton Double Impacts have been receiving rave reviews, including here on AG. Has anyone heard the smaller, lighter, less expensive Impacts? How do they compare with the larger DIs?
I just unpacked the Tekton Double Impacts a few minutes ago...visually, they are Stunning in their Rosso dark paint.  The finish is Flawless.  Unpacking them was super easy despite their 106lb weight.  I have owned multiple high speakers and the DIs equal or surpass them cosmetically. So far...So good
Just ordered some Tekton Impacts with the upgrades. Have a set of Zu Omen Dirty weekends that have a wonderful bottom end but need to be heavily equalized to have a sufficient treble response. Hoping that I can just play the impacts straight. Powering them with Peachtree Nova150. greatly looking forward to trying them.
So far, the DIs are superior to all my previous speakers...beyond impressed.  Eric will be in the Seattle area on the 6th and I hope to see him and discuss his speakers