2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K

Heading towards the second half of 2017, I thought to ask here what other’s feel based on their experiences, wants or desires, exactly which recent production speakers under $25K, would be the ones you would want to marry.

Or be in a very long term fundamentally though not totally committed, relationship.

One wherein if they promise to satisfy on demand, you promise to keep them clean and sufficiently supplied with power and the purest of signals, not to leave dirty clothes on the floor, and to take the trash out daily, er, uh, regularly.

Actually, those last two items are predominately conscience driven and do not command perfect adherence.

Which speakers hands down just flat out captivated your attention, fancy, or were so compelling they made a significant impact.

In short, Speakers that have taken your breath away .

As speakers are merely one part of the ching let’s qualify things somewhat.

1. Speakers which can run very well in medium sized rooms. EX. 14 to 18ft wide, and 17 to 25ft long or deep, with ceilings from 8.5ft to 10ft H, or so.

2. If a sub was or should have been added, please, mention that as well.

3. If an Ultra high end setup, massive SS power amps, Tubes, or flea watt amps, were feeding and or driving them noting it would be appropriate.

4. Recent production since 2015. New or used.

Although it seems prudent to list only current production speakers, I know adding on the facet of pre-owned adds a lot more choices for the ‘desert island’ I got mine, you get your’s, scenario, but what the hey. It beats that 250 to 500 plus hours of run in new units usually insist upon.

If links to accounts or info on them is available, please include it.

As this is about options anyhow, let no design be excluded.

Raidhos - PM me if you're interested (dealer disclaimer). I can make you a good deal
After 52 pairs of speakers:
- DeVore O/96 - with the appropriate room and matched electronics
- Second the Vandy Trio with Vandy subs - sublime
- For Quad lovers - listen to the Soltanus Acoustics ESLs - you will be blown away
- Davone Grande

Many others (including some amazing vintage speakers such as Yamaha NS-1000/2000, ADS 1590/1530, Sony SS-m9, etc) to list but the above are the ones I would keep.

Hello, blindjim.

I won't try to dissuade you from the Poseidons, but I'd like to direct your attention to the new Daedalus Apollo speakers. I spent a good five hours comparing the Argos, Poseidons, and Apollos in Lou's workshop/showroom about a month ago. After discussing my particular listening room characteristics, we decided the Apollos would best fit my needs with the Argos coming in a close second. The Apollos use the new 10" driver in in the three-way configuration common to the Muse and the Pan. 

I chose Apollos on the spot. I had spent the previous three years searching for 'the' pair of speakers. I'd come close a couple times, but with this pair I felt confident that I wouldn't fall out of love with them after a couple years. Until the Apollos came into my world, I had been inclined to settle for Salk Exotica speakers. I heard these at Axpona 2014, so I know how they sound. The Exoticas and the Apollos are similarly priced.

Next down on my list would be the AZ Crescendos, but their price tag is higher. 

Best of luck with your search.

I took a few minutes to ready your answers to others questions above. I feel like I'm sorta in the same boat. I'd like to put together a new system as the one I'm using now is ten years old. Nothing wrong with it, but wouldn't mind a change either. 

I've been to the Show at Newport four years or so, the recent LAAS show, and many get-togethers at various dealers here in SoCal. I've heard systems from less than $10k total to well over a half a million large. And, in my price range, if I allow myself to dream and spend some of my savings, were several systems that just keep popping up as very good. Here they are:

Mbl - The Corona line. for $32k you can get an integrated, CD/DAC, and a pair of Mbl 126 speakers. I've heard a great number of Mbl electronics/speakers over the last four years and I can't get enough. I always sit in their room much much longer than any other room. And for some perspective, I've heard the Xtreme speakers, the 101E MkIIs, and others on down to their lower end. When I heard the Corona line I had just been listening to the 101E MkIIs with Noble Line electronics and a server for front end for some time. I was amazed at how close the bottom of the line Corona Line system sounded - very close to the  101E MkIIs with much more expensive electronics. Mbl has had a huge affect on me and they have, for me anyway, voiced all their gear to work seamlessly together. Few audio companies make a full line of gear but Mbl is amazing. But there is another system I've really liked..........

ARC LS28/VT80 RefCD9 source with Wilson Audio Sabrina speakers. Yes, I do understand that they are two different sounds, the Mbl and the ARC/Wilson sound. But they both make such nice music. I've also heard the Sabrina with the ARC GSi75 integrated and found that experience very nice as well. Same dealer, different day so no comment on which was best. They were both glorious.

After hearing a lot of gear, I keep coming back to these two systems. I've heard other systems that were very nice, but none that bring me the emotion that these two do.

Finally, and I guess to my point, when you can hear a system set up in total and purchase it that way, you know what you are gonna get. It may not sound exactly the same at home as it did at the dealer, but you do have a good idea that the synergy you are hearing can be brought home. And that is what so many are looking for, synergy among electronics and speakers. I found it in spades with the systems noted above.

Have fun!!