2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy

Looking for experiences and recs for current mid to upper mid level cabling solutions

I’m talking about ICs and Speaker cables that do not require plans for high jacking an armored car with a couple gallons of chloroform and a helicopter with a really big magnet?

Neither is it a matter of seeking out an ‘all system’ same brand and model loom, though it could be.

In Your opinion and or experience which signal cables (or mix of) have proven themselves recently to enable a revealing system to maintain or demonstrate its integrity, truth and musicality on its best level?

Or, in other words, With which current line of wires or ‘cables’ would you feel very confident using to connect your upscale stereo outfit in 2017?

New, or pre-owned?

… and why, please?
Thanks so very much. j
once you fire up your system you are getting 100% performance

while I love the DBS system and own a ton of AQ cable it has been my experience that
a) it takes 48-72 hours for the DBS field to fully form if you ever unplug it, and
b) like all cables the DBS equipped AQ will benefit from burn in, I just bought a set of WEL that had been sitting for six months disconnected and they needed 48 hours on my cable cooker to perform their best (despite the DBS boxes having been connected all along)

so do try AQ DBS cables but give them time to settle in
rotarius and folkfreak    Agree with both of you!  DBS keeps the dielectric in shape After you break in the cables originally.  Connector, conductor quality and dielectric always make a difference in my cable experiences.
I have owned both the AQ Niagara 72V DBS ICs and the Synergistic Research Tesla (various models) & Element-series actively-shielded cables. Both apply DC power to the dielectric, albeit by different designs (battery vs "MPC" wall wart power supply). I found both to sound excellent and sold me on the notion of charging the dielectric for improved sound quality, most notably the improvement in reducing the noise floor.

The AQ method provides a much cleaner installation with the battery packs attached to the cable and no external wiring, but the SR active-shielding allows tuning of the power source (via cost-effective mods to the MPC by fellow-member Michael Spallone) and changing the Tuning Bullets (introduced with the Tesla SE and carried on to the Element series).

Michael’s mods were a step-function improvement in sound quality across the board and the SR tuning bullets provide audible changes in the upper-frequency character of my system. Very nice to have the ability to slightly alter/tune the highly-hearing-sensitive upper-frequency region where the enjoyment of cymbals and female vocals is especially sensitive (to me) to open-ness and also glare depending on the individual system’s proclivities in that region.

Both cables provide excellent sound quality in my experience, but I personally give the nod to the SR implementation for the reasons noted above.


cycles2 > Yes, over the years I always had a full loom of matching SR cables & typically purchased their most costly model starting years ago with the Tesla Apex series, then Element CTS and most recently the Atmosphere Level 4 line.

Blindjim > my first cable purchase was entry level spkr wires in active config. They arrived non active. Did not want to mess with sending them back and waiting what ever time, and just kept them with a rebate from the cost diffs. Still got them.

Since SR went to their Apex lines and beyond, I’ve lost interest in SR. Too expensive, and too complicated. Amd too many other ‘necessary’ add ons to make existing cabling better.

Would have been OK if all of the SR cabling had been improved upon, but it appeared to me, only the $1K and up stuff got better. Reportedly.
Mostly, it merely got different.

Apex: It/they did not mate well with former SR ICs and why I sold my Resolution reference ICs which IMO, were the best pre to amp links I’ve had yet. Even had SR rewire them to SE from XLR when I made a system change. I liked ‘em that much.

Following the RR exodus, the best mix were Shunyata Altare $2K MSRP or so… and a pair of Nirvana SX Ltd… and the SA sig 10 active spkr wires. In that order.

I’ll look into HT Links first, probably. Maybe, they’ve gotten better at imaging and bass. The IIs ain’t bad, but I’ve heard better, for better money, of course.

Pops > pops > Trickle first, sell after, when possible.
I am currently using a loom of Kubala-Sosna Fascination, IC’s, SC and PC’s. They are a very solid match to my system which includes Thiel speakers.
I seem to remember you had MIT’s for a while. I have owned and tried a ton of those...

Blindjim > yep. Had MIT Magnum 3 as source cable to line stage pre. Always wanted the MIT Mag 1s. never did get ‘em. Adding more MITs was not the answer for me. It bleached out the sound too much.

When the SR Resolution Ref left, I added in Harmonic Tech’s Magic lnik II as power line IC.

Kubala always interested me. For about a minute. Seeing the preice tags blew me away immediately. Oil well.

Upper end audio equipment buying and or trying is like sleeping with a celebrity. Until you have done it, you only have the fantasy. Once done, it might just be the fantasy was better than the actual experience.
Results vary greatly.

I’m seriously inclined to go with an ‘all one brand’ harness this tmie around. PCs, however, have proven vividly, mixing there can really get some interesting outcomes.

We’ll see.

Kubala always interested me. For about a minute. Seeing the preice tags blew me away immediately. Oil well.

No doubt, KS are not shy about their pricing.  Would love to try Emotions but no way I pay the asking rate.