Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I've found a pair of speakers to hang on to for life. Daber Audio Monitor 2's. Where shall I begin,,,

The word AMAZING comes to mind. I had been warming them up for a couple of days, just pushing low volume current through them 24/7,getting them a little broken in and getting my new Rega stuff all good and warm (Rega Brio R and Rega Apollo R)

First cut: Adele's "Rolling in the the Deep". Soundstage was first thing i noticed, how the background vox were layered behind her lead Incredible!!!

Then the bass presence: obviously not thunderous but on that particular cut the depth and resonance is there while still being ultra-tight; palpable and fantastic. Hard to believe that kind of bass can come out of a monitor so small!

I've now changed to a small EL34 tube amp and they are even better. Amazing little speaker, and I see myself having them for life.

I believe this speaker is a world beater. They're obviously not for rockers, but they are precise, realistic beyond words, and incredibly articulate. I know of no speaker under $1k that can touch the Monitor 2, and very few under $2k. WOW WOW WOW!!!!"
I have a pair of Chairo Academy 2 speakers that I will never get rid of.
They are a monitor sized speaker, made of Solid Walnut and not a veneer.
Even tho these are not very big, the sound that they produce is very large with bass extension that would rival floor standing speakers.
They are also gorgeous!
If you ever come across these Italian speakers I would recommend you give them a serious listen.
in my fifth year as an audiophile and having owned 29 different speakers

Wow! 29 speakers in Five years? That's like a different pair every other month, that's a lot of speakers. My wife thinks I am crazy because I changed speakers ever two years or so.
When you flip wives your behavior may be morally questionable but it's okay to get tired of your speakers! Ultimately you must look to music rather than equipment. In 1963 or so I attended one of AR's live versus recorded concerts using AR3 speakers. I could not tell the difference! Now if they had used a concert band instead of a lone guitarist it would have been easier, though AR could duplicate the trick with a string quartet. So get a well-restored pair of AR3s! Nah. Basically you can either go for a speaker that is 'transparent',lacks all the usual distoritions,or a speaker that favors the kind of music you like. No speaker is perfect; everything has a signature. A lot of people find good panel speakers (Quad, Magnepan) enjoyable over the long haul (especially in a long room!) Really good British boxes(Rogers, Spendor, Harbeth, certain KEFs and BWs) can be that way too. Big Infinities or Genesis can be nice if you still have hearing above 10Khz. But looking for a perfect speaker is misguided. The perfect speaker for your ears and your music will not be the perfect speaker for mine, and besides our tastes evolve. If I were a rich man I would have a harem (speakers, not wives!)