Harbeth SHL5 vs SHL5 PLUS

Hi Guys,

Seeking feedback on sonic differences between the two. Woofer and crossover changed. Have heard that there are differences in bass quality. My main concern is midrange and high frequencies. What are the differences? If there are...I am seeking the one with a smoother, more relaxed top end (non etched...eg...less leading edge and more body in vocals/string instruments). Thanks so much for your help.
@ryder Hi, thanks for the reply. 
Wait a minute, I thought you no longer have the SHL5 and upgraded to the Plus version? 

Anyway, the reason why I was saying not so sure because the Nait 5si might not show the potential like I want to see. I really believe with Harbeths (like Alan Shaw) most amps sound the same with Harbeth unless you really spend a good amount of money. That's where my problem is, I want this amp with little money:) not happening so far. 

I also believe Harbeths especially SHL5 need an amp that will make them sound less warm. I was thinking a tube amp may be really good with them but I am not so sure about it now. Leben, they say is great with SHL5. Maybe instead judging, I should listen to tube amps with it. I may be wrong.  

Thanks again for the reply. 
Celo, it is true that I no longer have the SHL5. I upgraded to the SHL5 Plus last year.

Leben CS600 sounds more open than most solid-state amps. I have only heard it with the 40.1.

I guess you need to try few amps to find out how the SHL5 will respond to different amps. I don't share the same experience as the designer (Alan Shaw). Some amps such as Rega Elicit Mk2 and Nait XS sound almost the same with the Harbeth SHL5. I know as I tried both in my system. However, some amps can really transform the speakers. I haven't tried a lot of amps on the SHL5 (and SHL5 Plus) but enough to form an opinion.
@ryder That's what I was trying to say. Almost the same sound. I agree. However, I believe spending a good amount of money for an amp will make a difference. My amps almost sound the same. None of them has a huge advantage over another. I know Alan Shaw thinks ALL good amps sound the same. I although didn't hear say a Leben or similar nice amp, I believe the little differences I hear in the amps on SHL5 make me believe a nice amp will make them play at their full potential.
Harbeth have natural synergy with Pass amplifiers...i prefer with silver cabling in between...A class works wonderful...i checked out Gryphon Diablo 300 also on HL compact 7ES-3 and also works very smooth with absolute control but the best amp i mated with Harbeths was/is Kondo Ongaku clone....with also great source that is something to behold...bring me the most expensive Magico and it will run it over like a shallow stream in terms of musicality...it works so well that you just dont care is violin in third or fifth row, does it have less or more details, is it more or less transparent etc...sound is deprived of any mechanical artefacts...Harbeths will definitively take out the midrange best and most natural...their bass and highs are good, nothin spectacular but they are masterfully integrated and it just sings as whole...of course to get the sound i have now it would take a tons of money if you buy it from actual manufacturer but my point is that it is imperative to invest in quality electronics and cables to really hear what Harbeths can...i heard briefly SHL5 Plus with Gryphon Callisto amp, Rega CD player in another room and it is more cleaner and open and bit brighter than HL compact 7ES-3 but i doubt that difference between SHL5 and SHL5 Plus is big...if you allready have Harbeth speaker i suggest you to urgently spend some big bucks on better amp and source...thank me later...
@ryder just curious. No plans to change my SHL5s. If I did, I would probably go with the C7ES3 anyway. However, I would like to know how do you like your Plus vs. non-plus and C7ES3 if you don't mind sharing.

Btw, I am very close getting NAP200+NAC202+HI-CAP2 if the deal goes through. I think Naim is the way to go. It gives the Harbeths even more balanced sound if that's possible:) Thanks!