Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new

Interested to hear from anyone who has traded up from the original SF Cremona Auditor to the Auditor M. What are your listening impressions, original versus new?

Bob R

without hearing the two speakers side by side, anything you say is going to be speculative, to say the least.

Also, I think since you own SF's products, you should give SF the benefit of the doubt -- I would like to think that SF has done their homework, and produced a speaker that betters the older model.
All are speculative at best. Every ear is different. I am a classical musician and performing artist. He who eats less cheese hears best. I own the auditor m and they reveal the honest sound of my instruments as well as any top level monitor you can acquire. As audiophiles we should not think that different is better, it's just different. We get duped by the high end market into thinking just that. How do you think they make $$. In the end the only thing that really matters is very much like vintage wine. DO YOU LIKE IT!? YOU EITHER DO, OR YOU DON'T. These overboard descriptive adjectives to compare speakers, wines etc becomes redundant.
Very late to this game. I very much like how my Auditor M's powered by world-class tube gear sound.