Dennis Had Inspire amps and preamps.

Recently acquired a lightly used LP27a and a SEP Firebottle HO amp after a recent dip into SET/SEP-dom.  I liked them enough to order a new LP3a preamp from the "auction site."  Hand-made in USA by an arguable hifi "legend" at, imo, comparably reasonable prices.

These pop up from time to time in various A-gon discussions.  I know there is an unwieldy and lengthy discussion on another site, but thought would try to open up a fresh one, here.

Curious about (good or bad) experiences, listening impressions, tube-rolling, mods/upgrades, speaker/gear pairings/synergies, etc.

Right now, I have the Firebottle with Omega 3 HOs, and am enjoying the result.  One immediate question would be what tubes can be used in the Firebottle and in the output tube in the LP27a.  I bought them used.  I have an inquiry to Mr. Had on that, but maybe others have first hand experience on what works well?  For example, the LP27a came with a 6sn7, but I've read that others have been able to use 6sl7 and even 6bx7 in that spot.

Thank you.

The 3,987 posts (true…likely more once I finish this post) on the Audioaficianado site are a treasure trove of info in this amp (and the preamps). The GZ34 and 274B rectifiers allow less "voltage drop" so seem to drive the 88s and similar tubes with more gusto. The Sonist speakers when compared to my Silverlines are somewhat reticent in the treble, and I'm swapping out resistors in the Sonists to fix that…we'll see…it might be some sort of system synergy issue, but it is kind of a drag as I really wanted to like the beautiful Sonists, but the Silverlines, although less efficient, seem efficient enough and have never sounded better…I was surprised when I put these back in my system at how utterly revealing and clear they sound at any level I need. I'm considering a pair of Klipsch Heresy IIIs as an experiment in efficiency since they're relatively inexpensive…but in no hurry as my system is working so well. There's an AE-3 DJH Dennis Had preamp with remote at a local shop that's interesting to me as the current Inspire preamps lack remote control…also the Shiit Freya seems like fun and I like the balanced bits (my current preamp is a dual mono SS balanced beast with isolated power supplies made by Kavent as a rebadged Vincent…strange but true).

Intuitively you’d think that the Sonist is the better speaker match for the Had amplifier due to its specifications. The Silverline Prelude apparently must present a gentle and easy load in order for this amplifier to excel to such an extent. It will be interesting to see if swapping resistors in the Sonist makes an appreciable improvement. The Had amplifier must possess a pretty respectable power supply and output transformer for it to preform this well.
Hello all,

This tube was never made by Amperex. ALL Amperex tubes on the market are Russian relabels. The Ameperex tube looked suspiciously like a Sovtek, right down to the 'flying saucer' getter. Amperex catalogs have been checked and verified to prove that Amperex never made a 6SN7 tube of any kind.

Amperex 6SN7GTB
These tubes are likely Russian-made. Be wary of overpaying for them!
Base: black
Glass: clear, orange Amperex labeling with globe logo, may have white ‘6SN7GTB’ labeling
Plates: grey, T-plates
Getter: bottom, ‘flying saucer’ getter holder, flashing extends a little bit past base, usually more so on one side
Top mica: rectangular, has ‘spring-loading’ for plates (U-shaped structures)
Other significant features: bottom mica identical to top mica. micas appear whitish. 2 support rods on either side between both micas.

I have seen a couple of these over the years either gt or gtb and both were just relabeled Russian made tubes.

I recall just ok sounding,nothing like early Slyvania's and Tung Sol's


Amperex labeled tubes were made in both Hicksville and Brooklyn. Look it up.

And although the Sonists are a couple of DB more efficient, the Preludes have a certain something that just sparkles…I was surprised really, but haven't given up on the Sonists yet…more resistors are goin' in!
Wolf--can you describe what your Amperex looks like?  I did an "auction site" search, and there were a couple different claimed to have been made by GE, another labeled "made in Holland," and at least one other that I think looks like maybe a Russian re-badge.  Price on a couple--whew.

The Schiit Freya is fun, indeed.  I'm mostly running it in passive in my office with all balanced connections.  Not sure it makes a difference, but that's where the computers are, router, rat's nest computer cabling, etc.  Thought it could potentially help with noise.  I still haven't made friends with the JFET stage.  I don't think the tube stage sounds  as good as the LP27a or my other tube pres, but it's "fun" to be able to switch from a passive to add some extra tube-flavor at the push of a button.  With the stock tubes, it was pretty sterile and didn't add a whole lot.  To be fair, I probably didn't give them sufficient time to burn in.  I've tried maybe half a dozen or so combinations--didn't like it with Sylvanias (VT-231, GT, or GTB) or Raytheons.  Very much prefer it with GEs, RCAs, and/or KenRad.  I didn't try 6sn7w or TS BGRP...I refuse to put tubes in that cost nearly as much as the Freya (or more), especially when the tubes keep burning in passive or JFET mode.  I don't find it to be as sensitive to tubes as some others, though.  One note--the remote doesn't do on/off, and the switch is on the back of the Freya, if that matters.  If you don't need the balanced and aren't interested in the passive or JFET push-button tweakability, still easy enough to try and I think good for the money, but probably could do better on a tubed pre for not a ton more dough.