Dennis Had Inspire amps and preamps.

Recently acquired a lightly used LP27a and a SEP Firebottle HO amp after a recent dip into SET/SEP-dom.  I liked them enough to order a new LP3a preamp from the "auction site."  Hand-made in USA by an arguable hifi "legend" at, imo, comparably reasonable prices.

These pop up from time to time in various A-gon discussions.  I know there is an unwieldy and lengthy discussion on another site, but thought would try to open up a fresh one, here.

Curious about (good or bad) experiences, listening impressions, tube-rolling, mods/upgrades, speaker/gear pairings/synergies, etc.

Right now, I have the Firebottle with Omega 3 HOs, and am enjoying the result.  One immediate question would be what tubes can be used in the Firebottle and in the output tube in the LP27a.  I bought them used.  I have an inquiry to Mr. Had on that, but maybe others have first hand experience on what works well?  For example, the LP27a came with a 6sn7, but I've read that others have been able to use 6sl7 and even 6bx7 in that spot.

Thank you.

That ARC preamp is nice.  Too rich for me, especially while I'm in this--I wanna try different stuff--phase.

I did see a new 2a3 Inspire on the auction site a week or two ago....
Wolf Garcia,

I don't think you would be at all happy with the Hersey as a full range speaker. It does not have any ump down low, a bit honky and not very refined up top. 

I've been all over them, actually having a series 1.5. I modded the heck out of. I was able to improve on their sound but in the end it reinforced the old saying about not being able to polish a turd.

Well, they are not turds but they did not ultimately satisfy, so off they went to someone else who appreciated my hard work.

Funny that most people always comment on how loud they play with little watts, as I found that I liked them best late at night at low volumes.

For the record I tried them with various tube and solid state amps to no avail. My pair was very pretty by the time I finished with them, though.
The Had SEP  amplifier mated to the Silverline Prelude could turn out to be a result of excellent synergy that may not be that easy to exceed within a certain price range .
Certainly synergy is the key with all this stuff, and having owned the Preludes for years used with SS and tube power amps it seemed they had become sort of boring (you know how that goes), but the Had amp really woke 'em up.
Thought I'd chime in here.

The Omega Super Alnico HO Monitors that I have sound incredible matched with my Dennis Had Inspire Fire Bottle PSE amplifier. I'm currently running KT66's (4) along with a 5R4 rectifier and a great sounding Sylvania 6SL7 input tube. I had Dennis put a Blue Alps volume pot on my amp as I prefer a direct signal from my vinyl rig.