2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy

Looking for experiences and recs for current mid to upper mid level cabling solutions

I’m talking about ICs and Speaker cables that do not require plans for high jacking an armored car with a couple gallons of chloroform and a helicopter with a really big magnet?

Neither is it a matter of seeking out an ‘all system’ same brand and model loom, though it could be.

In Your opinion and or experience which signal cables (or mix of) have proven themselves recently to enable a revealing system to maintain or demonstrate its integrity, truth and musicality on its best level?

Or, in other words, With which current line of wires or ‘cables’ would you feel very confident using to connect your upscale stereo outfit in 2017?

New, or pre-owned?

… and why, please?
Thanks so very much. j
Just got Audio Art Classic RCAs for $100 pair. Burn-in time 170 hours, they got 5 hours so far. Pretty good already, a bit edgy and bass is not there yet. I will probably exchange it for SE with Xhadow plugs, they now also got standard size Xhadow plugs. I am a Purist Audio fan but can't afford another Neptune, so I thought why not try this, some members here had very good results with them. Rob is great to talk to, responded to email on Sunday. They also appear to work quite well in a chain with the Neptune, at least in my system. I'll see, 165 more hours. Oh, by the way, I burn in cables with analog source, no bloody digital anywhere to be found. Call me what you wish, I know it's better.
Blindjim- I think the choice of cable is system dependent. Ideally, the cables should be neutral, as should the components, but the reality, in my experience, is that different components sound different, and when combined with other components - the very nature of a system-- the results may vary. I don't think this is a very scientific approach, but having first started experimenting with different speaker cables back in the late '80s, I heard differences (over a pair of old Quad ESLs driven by a modest sized ARC tube amp).
Fast forward> when I switched to horns in 2006, I had to hand some Van De Hul cable. It sounded fine. The amps were at first Audiopax 88's, which were a curious design, and I got Cardas cable to match them. Sounded better, if I recall. I eventually replaced the amps with Lamm SETs and replaced everything with Kubala Sosna (mostly Emotion, but one stretch of Elation at the front end). I really haven't felt the need to upgrade, though I imagine if I tried other cable, I would get different results.
Now, for something completely different, I got those old Quad ESLs restored, along with the matching amps, and decided to be "anti-audiophile" about the cable. I had a big roll of 12 gauge copper stranded cable. It sounds fine. (I'm using inexpensive Wireworld interconnect, which I'm sure could be bettered, but it is pretty well made and cheap by audiophile standards). Since I couldn't leave well enough alone, I decided to explore some other speaker cable. I have some Canare 4S11 en route--a pretty inexpensive DIY alternative. I may also try the faux WE stuff at some point. My goal on this vintage system isn't just to keep costs down (though cost is certainly a factor), but to keep within the spirit of this older equipment. Back when I first started using the Quad, in 1973, it was pretty much zip cord and there was no high grade interconnect being marketed- I suppose DIY at that time exceeded what was generally available commercially. 
I don't have any holistic view on this- the main system is pretty settled, and my continuing experiments on the vintage system cable are probably only going to yield conclusions applicable to that system. 

If you are still up in the air about what amp and speaker choices you are making, I'd wait until you sort that out first. I don't think these assessments can be done in isolation (or, as another poster above said, there is no one "best" cable for all systems). 
Have fun with this. Take advantage of The Cable Company loaner program (which I've never done) to the extent you can. 
I've spoken to Paul several time since reading his updated site. I believe his products are well made and priced right. I ordered an additional pair of Double Shotguns to run a true Biwire setup from my Levinson. He knows his products and their limitations. Paul is one of the good guys in the industry. I wish him well. 



Whart > Ideally, the cables should be neutral, as should the components, but the reality, in my experience, is that different components sound different, and when combined with other components - the very nature of a system-- the results may vary.

Blindjim > its not that they ‘may’ vary, it is that results ‘will’ vary. Unquestionably.

Leaning heavily on ‘synergy’ helps. Infusing cabling however into the mix is the greatest aggravation in this past time IMO.

Whart > In 1973, it was pretty much zip cord and there was no high grade interconnect being marketed

Blindjim > in the ‘70s and into the ‘80s I was an electronics communication technician. or commercial electrician. Stereo’s then used $2 RCA connections…. And lamp wires for speaker cables. Only a knife and screw driver was needed to get a stereo hooked to a pair of speakers.

They had the all in one inspiration everywhere. Phono, tape, tuner, an the obligatory AUX input for a reel to reel deck.

Power cords were migratory only if the dog chewed off the one already attached.

It always amazed me how a dog could do that and survive.

Whart > If you are still up in the air about what amp and speaker choices you are making.. wait on wires.

Blindjim > check. So the Cable Co. is still alive and well? Cool.
Only decision made thus far is to go more mainstream instead of low power and High Eff spkrs for the main rig. Lower tube power and High Eff spkrs is the aim for a secondary office deal. Likely, Push Pull, EL 34 based. < 100wpc. Stand mount spkrs.

And the main room spkrs will have to be more low power friendly than those I’ve been admiring which mostly fall into the 4 ohm 90db or so realm.
Short list wires are AQ, Nordost, Shunyata, Wireworld, Cardas, HT, and Crystal. Maybe Morrow or Audience.

I would still love to know what happened to the Sunyata Taipan helix alpha pc. Which one is it now? Which one is the Python equivalent? Any input on their new lines would be appreciated.