How many LP's


I'm thinking of taking a jump to a turntable.......& such

I had 700 albums that I " dumped" when cd's arrived.........
Old BIC turntable 
A big "Stupid" move

Good Analog is " the best", to me


How many albums do you guys have in the " library "?
How many are 45's vs 33's

My thought; as a starter 

Probably 5% are 45, the heavy rotations take care of them selves as new albums are purchased and forces them out and I listen about 100 hours a month.
frozentundra, I really do not seek out 45 rpm albums I am quite fine with 140-180 gram vinyl as they sound awesome with my set up, also since I have cut back on my LP purchases I am screening them better and have had to cull very few. Looked at your system and looks well thought out, I also have a Pass Labs XA30.5 that I rotate in replacing my VTLs about 30%of the time.

I may have some good news for you. The TransFi is a low pressure system, and works on an aquarium pump, which is virtually maintenance free. No oil, no mess. They are also low noise; perhaps, with a good enough box, quiet enough for the listening room, although I prefer outside.

I'vw debated a move to a Wilson like yours.
Does the Pass Labs 30.5  give enough power to run them pretty well?
Do you like the Tube vs SS with your speakers?

I found the CJ tube pre with Pass SS makes a nice synergy.

You have a sweet well blended system, too

& a great mix of cartridges 


Yeah the Pass does a great job and seems every bit as powerful as the VTLs. I really like my Wilson's and will have mine referbed by the factory at some point so they are more than likely my last speaker purchase and the fact that the Pass works so well with them it isn't going any where.