How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?

in the processor, that is?

My center speaker is pretty big as center speakers go, a Paradigm cc570. But it pales in LF response compared to my front L/R. Also, I am not currently using a sub.

I have tried it with the center set to small and large. When center is set to large, the movies seem to lose a lot of overall bass. I have plenty of amp power to the center, 200w.

I would like to set the center to large to get a bigger sound right there in the middle, but perhaps you have to have an even bigger center speaker. But that is going to get really expensive.
This has been a very interesting discussion. If you guys don't mind, I would like to piggyback instead of starting my own thread. I have a Monitor Audio Gold setup, with a sub and everything set to small. The Gold Center (GRLCR) has a "rated" low frequency extension of 40 hz. I just got a Sunfire Cinema Grand (200 x 5) amp and am using my HK receiver as a pre-pro. With 6 1/2" drivers, I have no illusions that it will play loud with 40 hz information, but I am debating with the added power from my new amp, if it would make sense to use a 60 hz crossover instead of 80 hz.

Any thoughts on this?
Greg -

IMO, start with 80hz, switch to 60 hz and see which one you like best. You may could use either and it may not make a difference.
I prefer running my speakers IN LARGE. I found that LARGE took alot of the harshness and edge off the sound, and I run a humble 100watts per channel.

My speakers are rated down to 36Hz, but get in room performance down to mid 20's (subs help smooth out the peaks and valleys). My subs (also) get plugged into the LFE out and I think it sounds pretty good. (no money and no WAF for a GREAT system though :( )
It is always best to set your speakers lower if they can handle it... 80hz was invented by Lucas films...they made the law but that doesnt mean you need to follow them.
" It is always best to set your speakers lower if they can handle it..."

I agree...only if it integrates with the rest of the system for overall optimal performance.

"80hz was invented by Lucas films...they made the law but that doesn't mean you need to follow them."

Some people do have an issue with THX, Lucus and so on. But, you have to admit, like it or not 80hz is a good starting point. Agreed?