What's needed to Steam Tidal

Is there anything other than a MacBook need to get the best sound from Tidal? I recently purchased an AudioWhen Coffee 3m USB cable to run from my MacBook to Ayre Codex DAC. I am just streaming music from Tidal. Prior to the cable purchase I would stream using an Audioquest Vodka optical from my Bluesound Vault. Comparing the two, the sound coming from the Bluesound blows away the MacBook. The soundstage is wide, there's more detail, clearer etc.  Do I need any special software or something or just stick to the sure thing?
Brownie1946, poaching.... Is there a point your trying to make? If so, I'm not catching it ?? Thanks
"What's needed to Steam Tidal" 

Self editing is a wonderful thing that, sadly, seems to be going the way of the Dodo.  
Just obviously a typo, and I don’t think Agon allows for editing the thread title, BUT I just laughed out loud, by myself, like a nutjob, so big +1.

Oxford comma? Yes, or no?
Yes, it doesn't. Comma properly applied???

In this case, thankfully for some laughs!