Experience with Thiel 1.6

Do any of you have personal experience with the new Thiel 1.6, or have heard anything about their sound quality? I've owned 1.2's and 1.5's (and 2.3, 3.6....) and am curious as to these new small ones.
No experience, but I know they are at the dealers now...saw a pair in a store in the Atlanta area a few weeks ago. I'm also a 1.5 and 2.3 owner, so I'm equally curious. Unfortunately, the 1.6s I saw were not hooked up, and it was near closing time, so I didn't get to hear them. Coming from Jum Thiel, I don't see how they could be anything but an improvement.
OK, it's 10 weeks later. Have ANY of you heard the Thiel cs1.6? Let's hear a report!
You can read the review in the latest Absolute Sound magazine. They loved it.