This is just IMHO but after updating my DAC 2X to the new version 2 I feel it is a significant upgrade although expensive. My observations are better vocals both male and female. There also seems to be
be more weight to the music and improved but subtle detail. I posted this as an insight for other DAC 2x
owners who maybe considering this upgrade.

I have dac2x and am considering to upgrade to v2.
tomr1, what source you are using with dac2x? computer or network stream server?
I use aurender N100 with dac2x and wonder how much difference the v2 usb galvanic isolation  will add? 

Does adding a Uptone ISO usb also improve sound ?
I own 2 CD transports and thousands of CDs so always interested in redbook sound quality from any DAC.
I really wish I could give you an opinion on your questions. But I
have no experience with Uptone audio. I also don't know if the EMM
labs  new galvanic isolation is the reason for the improved sound,all
I know is the upgrade has made a substantial improvement in sound