Tekton Impact Monitors

Hi All,
I'm relatively new to Audiogon but have trolled the discussions for a few months. I have been listening to Spendor LS3/5As driven by a Quad 34/306 combination since the late 1980's and decided that it was finally time to upgrade my speakers. I love the Spendors but they are very limited in dynamics and scale. I auditioned the SVS Ultra Bookshelf speakers and while they brought some additional scale they simply didn't have the sweet midrange that I can't live without. I listened to some open baffle speakers (Emerald Physics) and loved them, but their size and need for space worried me, and I found them less satisfying at moderate and low volumes, where I do a fair bit of listening. I was fascinated by all the discussion regarding Tekton speakers and was considering getting a pair of Enzo 2.7s, but after a short discussion with Eric I followed his recommendation of the Impact Monitor with upgrade. They have the 7 tweeter array and a pair of 6.5" woofers and are rear-ported. I use a pair of SVS subs (the sealed variety). The Impact Monitors are simply amazing. The midrange is oh-so-sweet (very similar to my Spendors, but with more air) and the detail, even at low and moderate listening levels, is superb. The imaging is even better than my Spendors managed and the scale is huge and is much more music-appropriate. My system is really quite modest but now when I walk into my listening room (doubles as our living room - thankfully my wife appreciates Hi-Fi) I get the audio-show feeling of "being there". I have a Denon DP59L turntable with a DL110 HO moving coil cartridge running through an Emotiva XPS-1 phono preamp and the Tektons are absolutely incredible with classic rock on vinyl. I'm not sure how Eric managed it, but these speakers are superb, even with my 30 year old Quad electronics. I believe they are basically the top 24" of the Double Impacts, but are rear-ported rather than front ported. I can heartily recommend them and Eric and his team are great to work with. I'm not sure how many other Impact Monitors are out there since the pair I have are S/N 0005 and 0006!  
@pawsman  Thanks for posting the pic in your systems page.  Your photo and the subsequent discussions have helped clarify the confusion I previously had. As I thought, per what Eric has posted on his site, the 'upper half' of the DIs and the Impact Monitor are different. As is the porting. And efficiency.

@ky1mag Please note, that my comments are in reference to the Double Impact 'upper half' configuration and not of the Impact Monitors. I apologize, if I added to the confusion over this. 
I'll try the flashlight trick through the port and try to see the brand logo. 
david_ten - the upper half of the DI is different; I think the 6" drivers are

I just got off the phone with Eric. We had a great conversation about the Impact Monitors that I returned. He tested them both on- and off-axis and declared them "perfect". He is very happy with the performance of the dome tweeter with this speaker and has other very happy owners. He was extremely nice about it, but it is a bit humbling since clearly this is an issue with my ears rather than the speakers. Thanks everyone for contributing to this discussion. 
I'm not sure of the difference in sound caracturistics  between a dome tweeter and a ring. Anybody know? I do know these sound sweet.
kdude66 & ky1mag,
I checked with my flashlight, and the tweeter is indeed the SB Acoustics
26STCN-C0004. With this talk of a Scanspeak driver upgrade on the DI,
I wonder if he’ll be doing the same with the Impact Monitors and offer an
SE version?
