How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

I think I remember reading that the speakers should be at least 50% of the cost of the entire system. It was a while ago, but it mentioned that speakers don't really wear out before our ears get used to and bored with them. After 20 years of this hobby I was finally able to do that, it did make more of a difference than I ever thought possible and I am only up to Wilson Audio X-1 Series lll's. The next step is the X-2's.

Hmmmm... you must be as old as me :)

I remember the 50% rule from way back in the Stereo Review Days!!

The problem with this guidance is that one might find a 4K speaker that meets sonic needs, space considerations, WAF etc. It may not be nonsense to pair them with a 3K amp 2K pre and 3k front end.... you get my point.

I like to advise beginners to spend as much as they can to get speakers they like and build from there.

But then I don't bore easily!
I used to be in the "spend the most on the speakers camp" however, as of today, and but for my interconnects and speaker wire, my speakers are the least expensive item in a 23K rig..(msrp of course), the breakdown as follows:

Speakers: Devore Fidelity Gibbon Super 8s ($4K)
Front End: Naim CDX2 w/ XPSII and damping by Symposium ($11K)
Electronics: Edge G3 ($5.3K)
Cables all Acoustic Zen: ($2.5K)

By far the most enjoyable system I have owned. But, I will say that I am going to move to a larger more full speaker, most likely the DeVore Silverbacks....then I guess I have to retract this posting.

Your speakers are only going to sound as good as the room will allow! If you spent $200k on your room and acoustics... then you are allowed $40k on your speakers.

I am of the front end school. But for what it is worth here are my suggestions.

1)buy good used gear on audiogon.

2)Buy the speakers last. Buy good compact 2-way monitors e.g. pro-ac tablette, totem model 1 signature, etc.

3)Buy a good amplifer, preferably 100-150 watts. (musical fidelity, quad 909, ayre v3x, bat vk200, etc.

4) pre-amp is more important than many think. Buy something simple. (pass x2, musical fidelity, etc.)

5)Digital source: something competent (one box player) e.g.
Creek cd50 classic.

6) cables: sensible well made stuff: cardas neutral reference, Goertz alpha-core sapphire for interconnect. non-bi-wire speaker calbles (cardas, supra, etc.)

You should wind up with a very musical and enjoyable system.

The upgrades will be genetically inevitable. Often the first or earliest systems are played in rooms with modest dimensions and small monitors are suitable. Transport costs are less and resale is easier.

Good luck with your decisions!
