How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

I have now had the Daber Monitor 3's for two weeks and have had a chance to do some critical listening. I have the rounded cabinets in maple that Steve provides for a small extra fee. They are gorgeous with very high end carpentry work! The first thing that will strike you is the deep, tight bass for such a relatively small speaker. I doubt anyone but the most avid bass fan will see the need for a subwoofer in a two-channel setup. The mids are very satisfying and the highs are clear and precise. Vocals are rendered in a very natural fashion. The soundstage competes with the best. My wife, who is very musically inclined, even prefers them over my Acoustic Zen Adagios. A very different speaker and a matter of taste, but still high praise from a very musical person. I love them both for different reasons. To say that I am pleased with the results would be an understatement. In summary I think this must be one of the best values in speakers out there and they are made in the USA by a small entrepreneurial company. Give them a try - you will not be disappointed!

As a side note the speaker stands for the Volla speakers fit as if made for these speakers (rounded) - got them from MSS HIFI at a decent preice. Steve is planning on making stands for them as well in the near future.

This post is nearly 10 years old but the topic continues.

I strongly recommend the source components be where the most emphasis should be put.

Try to make purchases which have lasting, classic value.

In a digital world the music starts with the d/A converters and their power supplies. Today very compelling and beautiful music can come from a universal disc player.

For example, oppo 95, plus a pre-amp e.g. Proceed avp2(used but classic) could be had for $2500.

A citation 7.1 power amp (used) sells for about $800. Also musical fidelity has a good one which sells for about the same price. 3.2CR.

Spend $500 on competent used interconnects e.g. Card as neutral reference or similar. Supra speaker cable buy in bulk with good terminations.

For speakers buy NHT super zero XU for under $200 new.

You will have spent $4000.

Put the remaining $1000 in your mouth and pray for lock-jaw and continue your search for speakers. In two decades the change will be new speakers.

For speakers buy NHT super zero XU for under $200.
I just happened by here and wanted to reply to Appasionata. You seem to really like NHT. I had several of their models from 1998-2008, including the pair of super zeros from the late 1990s. If you like those, try the NHT classic 2s, which can be picked up used. I even have a pair I don't use. They aren't expensive by any means. And I guarantee you the Classic 2s are much, much better than the late 1990s Super Zeros.
Speakers are the last item on the musical chain; however, the golden rule "garbage in and garbage out" is absolutely correct.
You cannot correct anything wrong to begin with.
For the last 30 years, I have listen to system sometimes cost more than a house (over 300,000) and sound like you want to it off in less than 15 minutes. At other times, I can listen to a system with no more than $5,000 altogether and enjoy every minute of it.
TRUST YOUR EARS, a system is a combination of all the components and if you want to listen to it for more and more; no listener fatigue and that is a good system.
Something happens to the allotment of the speakers.
Think about a system with a 100,000 speakers yet hook up to a $200 receiver; will you say this is a good system?
Go figure.