Best integrated for PSB Imagine T2's

I have an NAD C390DD all digital integrated amplifier. I am considering a big improvement in a DAC, as in a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC. This along with my Project Xtension 10 turntable/musical surroundings nova phenomena phono preamp, would give me quality analog signal inputs from all my sources. Considering an upgrade to an integrated that could better process analog to my PSB Imagine T2 speakers with a big improvement in SQ, any thoughts on an endgame amp for around 5 to 6,000?
If your thinking of the Bryston you have to consider that it has a 20 year warranty and from what I've heard of the new cubed line sounds very nice.  
The project xtension10 has a sumiko blackbird cartridge. The musical surroundings is a design by phono preamp designer Michael I think I am good there. Upgrading speakers is a thought....a little tepid about buying speakers used though...but electronics I am more comfortable with. Good suggestions...need to do research!
Hey, what about Luxman? Or, maybe Mcintosh maybe? Tubes sound nice, but heard that the low wpc doesn't perform well on low frequencies....great soundstage though
I'm starting from scratch and looking for an "all in one" (amp/pre-amp/dac/streamer) to go with Focal Aria 926 or 936 speakers. Now looking at the Moon ACE and the NAD M32, which I liked better than the ACE. Any other suggestions for an AIO generally or one particularly suited to the ones I mentioned under $4,000.00 would be appreciated. Thanks.