Best integrated for PSB Imagine T2's

I have an NAD C390DD all digital integrated amplifier. I am considering a big improvement in a DAC, as in a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC. This along with my Project Xtension 10 turntable/musical surroundings nova phenomena phono preamp, would give me quality analog signal inputs from all my sources. Considering an upgrade to an integrated that could better process analog to my PSB Imagine T2 speakers with a big improvement in SQ, any thoughts on an endgame amp for around 5 to 6,000?
Fantastic. Okay, so the primaluna was your favorite with the T2's? I can swing the HP you had the prologue and it was still your favorite even with inadequate power? Sounds fascinating...can you please tell me why you preferred a lower power amp to the others? My concern is that with my NAD, with all digital circuitry, I am not getting the best sound quality for my T2 speakers out of my analog turntable setup. Also, I would probably get a really good DAC which of course would also provide an excellent analog signal into the amplifier from the streamer and cd transport. Trying to figure this out....I am a bit of a newbie
Not sure if your response above was to me or jbhiller.

The Primaluna HP is his favorite. I had the Prologue Premium and while nice I much prefer my current LM 518.... that's why I sold the PL. I don't suggest the PL Prologue Premium with the T2's but sounds like you can swing the Dialogue HP and that is a better choice in the PL line for your speakers. I haven't listened to the HP but I've heard great things about it.  It has a ton of tubes so tube rolling could get expensive?  Maybe jbhiller can respond as to the stock tubes?  The stock tubes in my Prologue were good but I changed them all out over time which improved the overall sound. 

By the way along with my LM 518ia integrated I also have the Line Magnetic 505 CD player. It also has a great DAC inside and has a USB input so I use it for CDs as well as streaming Tidal from my laptop ... at 192KHz. 

I'm very happy with my digital sources but I listen 90% to albums and that is my priority. I agree with Inna some point an upgrade of your phono preamp would be a good idea (IMHO). 
I am sorry, I do not understand why everyone is suggesting I trade in my phono preamp? All the reviews I have read about the musical surroundings nova phonomena say it is excellent. Not that money is the barometer, but it is a $1000 amp. It is designed by Michael Yee, a renowned phono preamp designer. Can someone enlighten me?
Wondering what everyone thinks of the NAD M32 (with the BluSound module for streaming Tidal)? And that amp paired with the Focal Aria 926 or 936?
You see, phono stage is very very important, and I think your analog rig deserves better. You don't get everything out of it. No-one is saying that what you have is a bad phono, it is just..well..kind of okay. $1000 for a new phono stage is not much these days.