SoundSmith repair time

Have any of you received a rebuilt cartridge from the SoundSmith recently? How long was the turnaround time? I sent one to them in December, and got the receipt confirmation email, with an estimated 8-10 week time frame for repair. They mentioned that my cart may have suspension damage, could that be why its taking so long? I know they can get backed up, but I guess I'm getting impatient. The cart was damaged (yes, I'm an idiot) a few months before I got around to sending it off, so It's been almost a year now since I've been able to listen to my turntable.
I sent two carts in on May 5th. I just got them back today. 1 Dynavector DV-10X5 to level 2 and a Dynavector DV-20X2H to level 3.

I am listening to the 20 right now and I am shocked at the difference! It is not even in the same league as the original tip.

(But then again, I have been listening to all digital for 16 weeks )
Another data point.....sent in last fall, telephone consult with Mr. Lederman, repair and return.....3mos start to finish.