Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?

I have a LP12 with new EkosSE arm with Skale weight. The TT has Keel chassis, Radikal power, AQ Leopard cable. I use a Krystal MC now. I'm asking what cartridges mate best with my setup from a compliance standpoint- weight mount, suspension table etc.  From that list I'll try narrow down to good selections that mate to my phono/pre. Hopefully I will have a few that I can choose from to suit my listening tastes, knowing that compatibility isn't coloring what I hear. My budget limit is $10k. I have some thoughts already, but don't want to bias comments by naming them. So please help me to narrow my options down to the best candidates. 
Take the 10k and another table. There are so many more dynamic tables available, both vintage and new. 

I recently restored an EMT 927, which leaves me speechless every time I listen to it. It's nearly 60 years old and is absolutely the finest table I've ever heard. I'm using a SME 3012 and a 1966 Denon 103.

I have also restored a Garrad 301 and use a SME 3009 ( series one) tone arm and it likewise is outstanding. 

Last, my favorite is the humble Dual 1229 with a Grace 747. What a sleeper this table is. Wow!

I spent a decade with a Linn  (don't get me started ).  (Recently sold the Linn set up gig to a fellow agon member. Thank you Alan!)

Used Micros, Walkers, Thorens, EMT's, Clearaudio, SOTA's, VPI's, can all be had is superb condition for 10k or less. Much less. (Okay, you might need to add a little to get the Walker, but what a table!)

If you love the Linn, you can get excellent results but it's a great deal of work. I know many that love them, but personally the Linn sound just wasn't for me. 

Take your Krystal MC cartridge and go listen to some turntables. You might be surprised, because that is an excellent sounding cartridge and on the right table is a keeper!

Well, the Kandid would be the logical choice . You did not mention which phono pre you are using? If you already have the Radikal, the Urika would provide you with a fully integrated SE deck. The synergy with the Urika and the Kandid allows them to punch way above their price point,imo.
I run two LP12's similar to your spec however with Naim Aro arms. One deck has the Kandid/Urika and the other has a DV Xv1-s/Whest Titan Pro. They both are very engaging and musical.
There are some other things to consider before spending 10K on a new cartridge imo- PM me if you are interested in a dialogue ...
There are a couple of great cartridges that come to mind with that budget. It will depend on how much output your phono stage is comfortable with...if it can sustain very low output, then the new Etna SL and the new Proteus with Diamond cantilever come to mind. If higher output is required, then look at the regular Lyra Etna or maybe one of the higher output Koetsu's.