Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?

I have a LP12 with new EkosSE arm with Skale weight. The TT has Keel chassis, Radikal power, AQ Leopard cable. I use a Krystal MC now. I'm asking what cartridges mate best with my setup from a compliance standpoint- weight mount, suspension table etc.  From that list I'll try narrow down to good selections that mate to my phono/pre. Hopefully I will have a few that I can choose from to suit my listening tastes, knowing that compatibility isn't coloring what I hear. My budget limit is $10k. I have some thoughts already, but don't want to bias comments by naming them. So please help me to narrow my options down to the best candidates. 
There are a couple of great cartridges that come to mind with that budget. It will depend on how much output your phono stage is comfortable with...if it can sustain very low output, then the new Etna SL and the new Proteus with Diamond cantilever come to mind. If higher output is required, then look at the regular Lyra Etna or maybe one of the higher output Koetsu's. 

''Best cart for a turntablé'' make no sense. The question should be

the best cart for x tonearm and y phono-pre.

''Best cart for a turntablé'' make no sense. The question should be the best cart for x tonearm and y phono-pre."

This is correct the problem here is that there are now many newcomers to the world of vinyl used in Music Reproduction Systems and they don't understand the intricacies of the interactions among the various component parts used in vinyl playback. More and more I see comments here that reveal the level of ignorance and while some here are willing to learn there are others that seem to be a hopeless case especially the ones who use the wrong terms yet insist that they know what they are talking about but thank you nandric for correcting this one misconception!

Thanks. I have considered scrapping the LP12 and moving on. I drank the Linn Kool Aid and I'm still trying to improve it. I hate losing money on the rig. 
For you other guys, maybe I didn't phrase my question perfectly enough for you. The first thing I mentioned was the arm and  I know that's what the cartridge needs to mate with. I listed the rest of the table because I knew other Linn owners would say first upgrade other parts of the TT before spending $ on a new cartridge. So with that clarified, do you have a thought on cartridge or was this just a poke at my poor grammar?
i have an Aesthetix Janus Eclipse pre w phono and the regular Etna is a better match.