VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D

I just installed mine and discovering my old records anew.  I thought I knew everything there was to know on the original pressing of Fleetwood Mac's Rumers......but no - there's more.  You immediately hear a more solid bass, but then the dynamics hit hard.  It sounds like my amp is on steroids.  More cleanliness, - everything is better.  Very highly recommended.
Dear @robes: A clamp  normally  reduces the resonances/vibrations/feedback existent between the TT platter-mat/LP surface with the stylus tip. and from this point of view always is a benefit to clamp the LP.

With clamp or with out it the unipivot tonearm stability will be there, you can't avoid it using any clamp type. The second pivot is not the total cure, it's only something to reduce the stability problems. Best is to look for pivot tonearm with fixed bearing design because the cartridge needs full proof stability: zero tolerance.

Unipivots are more easy to design but is not a tool to use for a cartridge ridding LP grooves.  Is a mistake to use it that goes against the quality level performance. I know that some audiophiles really likes it but ( even that they don't know. ) it does not means is rigth.

We have remember to " see " the stability subject at the microscopic level that is where the cartridge stylus tip has to " negociates " those " rude " LP grooves. Believe me that the cartridge tracking job is a really hard and huge task and not so simple as we can imagine it.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
With respect to the question concerning clamping, I have a Stillpoints LP1, which I use interchangeably on both my VPI Prime and on my SL1200GAE. It makes a difference sometimes, but not on every record.  Generally records that are flat and 180 gram or heavier seem less affected by it.  I also have a Periphery Ring for the VPI and it definitely makes a difference on any record that is warped.  So much so that the Prime is my go to TT for warped records, regardless of any other consideration.  At the same time, for records that are not warped I hear no difference is sound with or without the use of the Periphery Ring.  In the interests of complete disclosure, my Prime is controlled by Phoenix Engineering Roadrunner/Eagle so speed accuracy and stability are pretty much the same with the ring or without.

With respect to the effect that the 2nd pivot has on the VPI arm it is extremely easy to back the 2nd pivot off and away from the pressure plate once set up to hear and see the difference.  It is doubtful that anyone who does this will decide after experimentation that the 2nd pivot does not provide a positive benefit.

With respect to Raul's arguments concerning unipivot tonearms, they are not clear to me, again I find it difficult to understand him, this is a language barrier problem for me, so perhaps I am misunderstanding?  Anyway, he seems to be arguing that there is some inherent "problem" with unipivots in the area of stability at the cartridge-stylus interface with the record groove.  He states this as a fact, but offers no data.  I would like to know what exactly the "problem" is with the data to back it up.  I am skeptical that there is any real problem.
Dear @billstevenson : I know that you did not read all my posts here and you don't have to do it but in one of them I posted this link and you can see what happens with any unipivot tonearms ( in this case VPI. ) about that unstability true problem that does not happens with pivot fixed bearing designs. Data?, here is a fact:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


I saw where you posted on the Townshend thread, so I'll join you there.
Well so much for the Rock 7 Townshend TT and/or trough damping system. Check their website they don’t list TT’s as a product they make anymore. I contacted the U.S. distributor, here is his reply:

Can the Townshend damping system trough be bought separately?

Sorry, no.

Reviews on the Rock 7 seem to imply it. My thought, to mount one to a stock new VPI Prime using the unipivot 3D arm, possible? Could you give me a ball park price?

I had considered the Rock 7. This article scarred me off of the Rock 7: https://positive-feedback.com/Issue62/townshend.htm

Not sure why. It was an excellent review. (The reviewer still owns a Rock 7, by the way.)

and got me thinking of the above fix to the Prime. I copied the paragraph below which steered me away from the TT. Key was the added expense of a DC motor/power supply rather then the expense of just throwing $$ at cords, which I feel would be my scenario also. The reviewer highly suggests that the Rock 7 needs to be setup with help from a dealer versed in the matter below. My big problem is living in an isolated area at high elevation in NW Montana with a dealer probably close to 1000 miles away- not going to happen. Hey, I got electricity. Anyhow, hard to imagine such a messed-up setup and easiest get around cost $1900.00- Any comments on this ??

Okay, now I get it. I don’t see the power cord issue as insurmountable. Nevertheless, setting up the Rock did (past tense, as it is no longer made), require expertise having nothing to do with power cords. The VPI is a much simpler proposition.
Dan MeinwaldEAR USA

P.S. I also contacted the Townshend home website Contact page. They simply didn't acknowledge my inquiry at all, so I guess they are out of the TT business-