The SLP-05 Ultimate Upgrade

I saw that Cary is offering an upgrade package for the SLP-05.  I love this pre.  Stock as a rock, but with 6sn7w and RCA greyglass vt231.  Has anyone heard an upgraded SLP05 or might anyone have an opinion on the likely sonic result from the upgrades?


From Cary's site:

We have had numerous requests from customers for many years regarding possible upgrades to the SLP-05 preamplifier. For the past couple of years, we have made it a project to find the appropriate combination of components to take the SLP-05 to another level. Finally, we believe we have achieved our goal. We are incredibly happy with the results of these upgrades which can be installed in any SLP-05, no matter the vintage. The “Ultimate Upgrade” consists of changes to the power supply as well as the line stage circuit.

The power supply portion of the upgrade consists of “maxing out” the filtering capabilities along the entire power supply chain, all the way into and including the preamplifier. Purifying DC voltages is extremely important to providing a clean, clear, smooth sound quality that is free from grain, noise and strident artifacts. This also improves imaging qualities as it provides a much blacker background. The type and quantity of capacitance are important as we are not just adding an extra 1200uf of UCC electrolytic capacitance into the main B+ (high voltage) supply but also an additional total of 125uf of Polypropylene capacitors throughout the B+ line. This includes a huge 100uf Polypropylene capacitor right at the line stage PC board. The rest of the additional capacitors are used as bypass capacitors across each UCC electrolytic filter capacitor. This provides a dramatically smooth, sweet sound quality.
In the line stage circuit, we change the resistors to high quality 1% Vishay metal film plate load and cathode resistors. This parts change improves the midrange and bass substantially for a fuller, more textured midrange. You will notice more body and texture to vocals and acoustic instruments, etc. Bass is more authoritative and tight. Highs are smoother yet detailed.
And finally, for the pièce de résistance. We are removing all of the coupling capacitors and installing (10) Mundorf MCap coupling capacitors throughout the entire line section. This is the final addition that completely allows the sound qualities of the SLP-05 to shine through, resulting in a sweet, fluid, full bodied yet delicate delivery of every single instrument and natural vocal detail. It is done without adding brightness, and yet delivers an amazing amount of air and detail revealing the acoustics of the room and instruments with breathtaking natural realism. There is body, texture and fullness to instruments that break through with such ease and delicacy no matter the complexity of the music.
The “Ultimate Upgrade” is not just an upgrade. It elevates the SLP-05 to a whole other level of sound quality. It retains the attributes of the SLP-05 that you know and love but gives you more of everything.
The complete upgrade is priced at $1,595 which includes all parts, labor, and FREE shipping back to you. If you purchase a new SLP-05, you will be able to add this upgrade during the checkout process on

I am very interested in your impression of the upgrade.
I have been considering doing it for some time now.
Let me throw in a little Cary bashing.  I had an SLP-05 i bought used on Agon.  When i started listening something seemed off and felt it might have been out of phase.  I did extensive trouble shooting and isolated the problem to the Cary. I sent it back to them (at my expense of course).  After their testing,  they found they had wired it incorrectly and was indeed out of phase.  They charged me for the repair plus return shipping despite my protests that this was their fault even though the unit was out of warranty.   Needless to say I will never buy anything from Cary again. 
@lxgreen That is really disturbing considering it was their fault in the first place. I really would have expected much better service from them. It really should have been repaired gratis. I don’t understand companies that won’t step up to do the right thing and risk the bad mouthing that is certainly going to follow on all these forums. The cost to fix it, to them, is so little compared to the negative press and loss of future sales from potential new owners. What a great story it would have been if you reported they fixed it for free, so many people here would be looking very favorably on them. Their short shortsightedness just created the exact opposite impression.

Shredder it has been years since I auditioned 6f8g's so I will have to wait for my preamp to come back to let you know what I finally liked the best. I think it is either Kenrad or Sylvania and I auditioned National Union as well.I like the Marconi BL 63 tubes the best but I was leery of using more than 1 pair as they draw a little more current. I thought Cary would tell me the BL 63 tubes were a little too much for the preamp.  If I had known that the Cary could handle them I would have sent in only the BL 63 tubes as they are in another league .

If you are buying adapters pay a little more for the quality ones with a metal base that is slotted along the side for the tube cap wire. The cheap plastic adapters don't have a slot and  with the wire outside the body can be a very tight fit in the tube socket.

Thank you! lxgreen for sharing your story.
it is imperative that we all post both positive and negative experiences when dealing w/ these companies. Same for dealers/retailers as well.
In your case, it was certainly Cary's fault. Hope youn wrote a letter (not an email) to the CEO.
What brand(s) do you use now?
Happy Listening!