Ohm Speakers, thoughts?

I have long dismissed Ohm speakers as anything that could be competitive in todays state of the art. But of course I want to believe that this "old" American company still has some horsepower left to compete with asian built speakers built by people that take in less money in a week than my dog sitter takes in the couple hours it takes to let my dogs out to crap when I am away for a day :)? The reviews I have read here and there report incredible imaging but what about other aspects of the Ohm 5 II. Any thoughts?
"If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent."

Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)
I spent considerable time on the phone with John asking him how the speakers would work with my amplifier (Moscode 401HR at the time), mentioning the decibel levels at which I listen, my room size, etc. Despite the due diligence, the driver blew.

I'm sure he was as disappointed as I was, but the overall experience was not positive, nor was it worth more time invested, IMO.

I heard the Ohms "back in the day", and I recall them sounding very special.

Sorry to hear you were disappointed.

You have to go with your own take on what is worth it.

What size room are your 5's in? When you were running them full out, were you monitoring the power output of your amp, or measuring in some other way? I ask because I'm really not sure how to determine where full out really is, or if I could even stand it without ear protection or risk disturbing the neighbors. I find it uncomfortable to listen at much more than 85db for any period of time. Do you measure sound pressure?
Just to add my experience to this conversation.

I have the Walsh 5's series 2 and drive them with a Carver amp. that outputs 600 watts per. ch. into 8 ohms and 1200 into 4 ohms. I have on occasion play them loud enough (in a 16' X 24' X 9' room) that i cannot hear my own voice when taking normally. I heard that the series 3 are easier to drive but don't know if that is a fact or not.