Best 300B SET

Looking for 300B SET (one output tube per channel) to pair with Shindo masseto pre amp. How would you compare Wavac EC300B, Shindo WE300B, Yamamoto A-09S and Verdier 300B?

What is your take on the best cost no object 300B SET?
All those speakers mentioned are excellent choices, but another wonderful choice would be Classic Audio T1.5 reference with field coil drivers. 
They are end game speakers with SET and OTL low watt amps, IMHO.

parsons and snopro....

you realize that you are replying to a thread that is 3 yrs old ?    
Ha, my bad...thought I had sorted by recent in my search for 300b threads!  Hopefully someone else searching recently will get some value anyway.  And Joe, agree on your Classic Audio recommendations...phenomenal speakers...while we're extending old threads...